Planning & Design Meetings Pre-Design Meeting #1 11/3/2008 - Minutes Page 1 of 2 A E D I S Architecture & Planning Meeting Notes 1494 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408.264.2000 – Fax 408.264.2500 PROJECT: Jordan, Stanford, Terman MS Pre-Design DATE: 11/3/08 MEETING: Mtg # 1 PLACE: PAUSD District Office PROJECT NO: 28066.00 TIME: 1:00 pm ATTENDEES: Robert Golton, (PAUSD) Tom Hodges, (O’Connor Construction) Paul Stickney, (O’Connor Construction) Arindam Bose, (Aedis) Todd Walter, (Aedis) Gerry Larvey, JL Stanford MS Don Cox, JL Stanford MS Carmen Giedt, Terman MS Michael Milliken, Jordan MS Christina Regalia, Jordan MS DISTRIBUTION: Attendees AEDIS, File ATTACHMENTS: Facilities Master Plans for Jordan, J L Stanford and Terman Middle Schools Item # Notes Responsible 1.1 Introductions For Info. 1.2 Understanding the purpose and goal of the Pre-Design phase. For Info. 1.3 a. overall teaching philosophy – Teaming · JLS described the teaming room to be a large room (about 1800 SF.) with a sink, 2 T.Vs, projection screens used for team parties, science shows, author visits and lab sciences. JLS also had its Connections program in the teaming room. · None of the schools currently have a teaming room separate from the cafetorium. · JLS and Jordan expressed the need to have a teaming room. JLS just assigned their current teaming room to an ELL program. · Teaming Concept in Palo Alto, per Jordan MS – 6th grade teachers teach in pairs (One General Education and one for Science &Math). 7th and 8th grade teachers teach in a core of 4 (Science, Math, English and Social Studies). One sink in each classroom. · JLS and Terman confirmed that they operate in the same pattern where classrooms are arranged in terms of teams rather than disciplines. · Terman operates with almost the same principle as Jordan and JLS except that their team is 5 instead of 4 teachers (including P.E Teacher). They block out periods to allow for teaming and extended sessions. But this does not always work because sometimes rooms For Info. Page 2 of 2 are not available. · Terman also indicated that they would rather use the cafetorium instead of a (double classroom) for teaming sessions to ensure that they can at least include 100 students per teaming sessions minimum. · Terman indicated that their class size is about 25 students. · Jordan indicated that the teachers use their classrooms as offices and periods are staggered such that empty classrooms can be used by teachers as offices. · All schools indicated need for offices for transient teachers. · Terman indicated need for counselor’s offices and a conference room. b. School specific requirements for classrooms and support spaces, individual site specific issues , other school specific issues which affect the overall design scheme · All schools indicated the need for more storage spaces. · Meeting spaces are not adequate at all campuses. · A need was indicated for offices/flex spaces for transient teachers. For Info. 1.4 After understanding of the initial Master Plan scope and the new board resolution it was agreed that for the purposes of planning and design the following enrollment/growth numbers would be utilized: · Jordan and JL Stanford – 1100 students · Terman - 675 students For Info. 1.5 The schools indicated a need to strive towards a standard for Middle Schools at PAUSD. JLS requested a visit to other state of the art Middle School sites to understand the latest facility standards. OCMI will send Elementary School Standards to the principals as an example of what should be developed for the Middle Schools at PAUSD. AEDIS will send some sample plans from other Middle School sites around the Bay Area to help the schools understand the same and see how other districts handle similar issues. It was agreed that a visit would be organized once the Pre-Design phase was further along so that a better utilization of a site visit could be achieved. OCMI, Aedis 1.6 The schools agreed to send their current space utilization charts and maps to Aedis and OCMI for further understanding of the schools needs. PAUSD 1.7 The tentative project schedule and the initial list of Master plan items for renovation and growth were discussed for all the schools. For Info. 1.7 Dates and time for next meeting. All meetings would be held at the respective school sites. Duration of 1.5 Hrs per school site. 11/10/2008 – 10:00 AM – Jordan MS 11/10/2008 – 1:00 PM – JL Stanford MS 11/10/2008 – 3:00 PM – Terman MS End of Meeting Notes This information is the understanding of AEDIS Architecture & Planning of the various items discussed and agreed upon during the meeting. Please contact the writer within five (5) days if there are any revisions and/or additions necessary to these meeting minutes.