Planning & Design Meetings Jordan Pre-Design Meeting #4 4/8/2009 - Minutes
A E D I S Architecture & Planning Meeting Notes
1494 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408.264.2000 – Fax 408.264.2500
PROJECT: Jordan MS Pre-Design DATE: 4/8/09
MEETING: Advisory Committee Mtg # 4 PLACE: Library
PROJECT NO: 28066.00 TIME: 3:15 pm
ATTENDEES: Tom Hodges, (O’Connor Construction) Mariana Alvarez-Parga (AEDIS)
Lori Alvarez, (O’Connor Construction) Todd Walter, (AEDIS)
Advisory Group, (Jordan MS)
Item # Notes Action
4.1 Two revised options for the new classroom building were discussed. Both options were a
single story 7-8 classroom wing one located in the existing parking lot west of building G and
the other located at the corner of California Ave and Middlefield.
4.2 The Advisory group handed out their bond priority list and we discussed the list which
includes the following:
1. 7-8 new classroom building.
2. Capacity for 2 new science rooms in bldg G.
3. Improve the drainage at selected areas on site.
4. Seismic upgrades.
5. ADA upgrades.
6. Safety concerns – upgrade drainage and tripping hazard at Hugh Center Court stage
and area between building F and G.
7. If gym floor – replace or refinish.
1. Expand the cafeteria to accommodate larger grade level assemblies and music and
arts performance.
2. Expand the library to host staff meetings, team meetings and larger events.
3. More conference rooms.
4. Running track around field perimeter.
PROJECT: Jordan Middle School
DATE: 4/8/09
MEETING: Advisory Committee Mtg #4
PROJECT NO: 28066.00
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5. Bette storage for departments.
6. More staff restrooms.
1. Ceiling-mounted LCD projectors with accessible or wireless hook-ups for laptops and
document cameras.
2. Sinks for classrooms that need them but don’t have them (6th grade, art, etc…)
3. Accessible windows that open.
4. Improve heating/cooling.
5. More storage for classrooms that need it.
6. New desks and chairs.
7. New carpet.
8. New corkboards.
9. Curtains instead of blinds.
End of Meeting Notes
This information is the understanding of AEDIS Architecture & Planning of the various items
discussed and agreed upon during the meeting. Please contact the writer within five (5) days if
there are any revisions and/or additions necessary to these meeting minutes.