Planning & Design Meetings Hoover ES Programming Meeting #2 9/8/2010 - Minutes 1 of 3 165 Tenth Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94103 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103 mail@gelfand-partners.com www.gelfand-partners.com Meeting Notes Project: Project No: Meeting Subject: Hoover ES Programming Meeting #2 Meeting Date: 09/08/10, 2:45 PM Location: Hoover Elementary School Library Those Present: Dr. Susanne Scott Hoover - Principal Karen Cannon Hoover - Parent Sean McGraw Hoover - Parent Melanie Oh Hoover - Parent Leigh Lien Hoover - Parent Susie Rigas Hoover - Teacher Cindy Schwarting Hoover - Teacher George Flath Hoover - Teacher Kimberly Kwon Hoover - Teacher Peter Lee Hoover - Teacher Annette Hilton Hoover - Teacher Betty Odon Hoover - Teacher/Secretary Virginia Quistad Hoover - Teacher Tom Hodges O'Connor Construction Management, Inc. (OCMI) Lori Alvarez OCMI Chris Duncan Gelfand Partners Architects (GPA) Larry Schadt GPA Dan Goldstein GPA The following new items were discussed: Previous Items Action By ITEM 1.0 None New Items Action By ITEM 1.1 Introduction Hoover Introductions to committee and those present. GPA Distribution of Meeting Agenda & Meeting Notes from previous meeting. 1.2 Overview GPA Explanation of design process and early stage schemes. Schemes presented have a first phase and masterplan (X.1) phase. GPA Distribution of 8 schemes in 11x17 packets. 1.3 Proposed Site Plan Options GPA Overview of options 1-8 on easel. Hoover Portables are in reality much larger than shown on the existing plan. GPA Scheme 1 - 1st/2nd grade quad for alternative type of outdoor space. Scheme 1.1 - replaces Multi-Purpose, Library, and Admin. Hoover Concerns raised about presence of bathrooms in new additions. GPA Explanation that at this stage buildings are presented diagrammatically and that new buildings will most certainly have bathrooms. Scheme 2.1 - New K-play space behind new 1st grade wing. Hoover Kindergarten runs on a completely different schedule from the rest of school. GPA Scheme 3 - "L" Shaped 4th/5th grade wing with courtyard. Hoover ES 1003.00 Meeting Notes 2 of 3 Explanation of new parking scheme used on all schemes. Healthy trees along JLS border are kept and kept in tree wells, while moving the parking north as close as possible to the existing decomposed granite path, leaving room for additional lanes of travel and drop-off. Hoover Plan doesn't show dumpsters in parking area. Existing sidewalk along front of parking is very important because we don't want adults or kids to cross the street at unmarked locations. The current drop-off issues stem from drop-off space, not ability for vehicles to travel/maneuver through campus. A crosswalk at the west edge would be good. GPA Scheme 4 - New 4th/5th grade wing on south edge. Hoover Concern about new library - does it make sense to renovate existing library in phase one if there will be a new library built in the final phase? OCMI One of the reasons Hoover is a priority for the district is because of the library. GPA Scheme 5 - New 4th/5th grade wing on west edge. Scheme 6 - "U" shaped 4th/5th grade wing with courtyard. Scheme 7 - 2 story option. Possibly contentious, more on Waverly, less so on Charleston. Scheme 8 - 4 Stream option - a 2-story building is almost mandatory to make work. 1.4 Questions and Discussion Hoover The 4-stream option is a "frightening proposition". For all schemes there is respect of public space and the private nature of how education works at our school. OCMI For this discussion we will assume 3-strand school. Hoover Scheme 4 is less desirable than the others. Outdoor classrooms, along with a fence separating them from the sidewalk, on the north side of the 1st/2nd grad classrooms would be great. Currently the only option to do outdoor teaching is in the lunch area red top. Teacher feels vulnerable without a fence in this area. Separating these outdoor classrooms from each other with a fence is unnecessary. Scheme 3 works pretty well, partly because it doesn't cut into the green field. GPA This scheme could easily shade its quad with eaves. Hoover Recommendations to shuffle a few classrooms on the plan. GPA Introduction of the idea for an adventure playground. Hoover Certainly open to that type of playground. Kindergarten would like a bigger play yard. "L" shape is okay, as supervision can happen from the corner. Keeping the grades together in the same wing is important. Do not separate the 2nd grade between the two wings if possible. Meeting Notes 3 of 3 Scheme 1 is a supervision nightmare. Idea for a modified scheme 2 - move wing to the underutilized space next to Waverly. Kindergarten could use a bigger yard because of the bikes/bike path. Scheme 4 - no. Scheme 5 - no. Scheme 6 - not as good as scheme 3. Recommendation for new scheme (dubbed scheme 9) as none of the schemes show buildings in the south corner. Perhaps a new 4th/5th grade wing could exist in the corner. And maybe with loggias between the classrooms for other types of activity. This would still be easy to supervise, as there is a 360 view from anywhere in the main school yard. Would also serve to insulate the school from the outside world. The corner is underutilized space. Resource Specialist classroom should be centrally located - all the students use it. OCMI Multi-purpose and admin are flexible with 2nd phase. Hoover Doors between classrooms of the same grade would be helpful. Are we losing or gaining parking? GPA will look into this. OCMI Field and blacktop space are okay with Scheme 9 because we will regain the space at the portables. 1.5 Looking Forward GPA will explore three schemes: Modified Scheme 2, Scheme 3, and a new Scheme "9" for the next meeting. Next meeting date TBA, in roughly 2-3 weeks. End of Meeting Notes These notes will be considered substantially correct and complete unless otherwise notified in writing within five working days of receipt.