Planning & Design Meetings Hoover ES Programming Meeting 6/3/2010 - Minutes
1 of 3 165 Tenth Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94103 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Hoover ES Programming Meeting
Meeting Date: 06/03/10, 2:45 PM
Location: Hoover Elementary School Library
Those Present: Dr. Susan Scott Hoover - Principal
Karen Cannon Hoover - Parent Jean McGraw Hoover - Parent Melanie Oh Hoover - Parent
Parissa Mohamadi Hoover - Parent Merideth Ekwall Hoover - Teacher
Kimberly Kwon Hoover - Teacher Peter Lee Hoover - Teacher Annette Hilton Hoover - Teacher
Betty Odon Hoover - Teacher/Librarian Tom Hodges O'Connor Construction Management, Inc. (OCMI)
Lori Alvarez OCMI Lisa Gelfand Gelfand Partners Architects (GPA) Larry Schadt GPA Dan Goldstein GPA
The following new items were discussed:
Previous Items Action By ITEM
1.0 None
New Items Action By ITEM
1.1 Introduction Hoover Introductions to committee and those present.
1.2 Scheme GPA Conditions assessment will be done over the summer.
Concept of planning for all phases - master plan.
1.3 General Issues/Ideas 4th grade classes separated.
Grade levels collaborate, especially 4 &5.
Rotating classes - one teacher/classroom for several levels of students.
Doors between classes for security and monitoring.
Kindergarten wing lacks a bathroom.
Kindergarten facilities are undersized.
Daycare location not an issue for anyone attending meeting.
Library becomes music room on Fridays (30-36 students)
Multi-purpose building sometimes requires 3 setups in one day.
Currently there is no ideal storage for 5th graders to store their instruments in their classrooms.
Charleston Road is noisy.
Area along Charleston Road fence-line is unusable for students and considered a safety issue.
Existing classroom wings cannot be razed, but library, admin, or multi-purpose could.
Hoover ES
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One of the existing school characteristics is the zones of use - noisy/collaborative environments vs. serene teaching areas.
1.4 Library Used by community.
Used as Classroom - more whiteboard.
Front of school for easy access.
Strong reading program.
Mobile cart vs. media center/link to greater world
Flexibility for future tech/culture.
Clean and no clutter.
Smartboards OK.
Flex room attached to library.
1.5 Drop off/Traffic Hoover is a commuter school.
Cars backup onto Charleston occasionally.
Rain shelter required.
Possibilities along various edges of the school for new drop-off zone.
Parking considered sufficient by some, JLS acts as overflow.
1.6 New wing location GPA Exploration of new wing along Charleston or at location of existing portables.
Linear formation vs. offset groupings of 3 or 6 in both locations.
Teaching patios along north side of north wing.
Library possibly located in SE corner.
1.7 Sustainable initiatives GPA Lighting uses most energy.
Optimize daylight.
Fresh air ventilation.
1.8 Future Dates/Schedule Aug. 24 School Starts
Sept. 16 Back to School Night
October, Conceptual Design
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1.9 Future Meeting Group discussed meeting prior to break - not possible.
GPA to circulate sketch plans of ideas through L.A.
Site committee to reconvene in late August - Date TBD.
End of Meeting Notes
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