Planning & Design Meetings Fairmeadow ES Site Committee Meeting 5/2/2011 - Minutes M M L T T N 1 2 3 3 165 Tenth Stre Meeting Subj Meeting Date Location: Those Presen The following New Items 1.0 DSA Su 2.0 Phasing 3.0 Natural (South o 3.0 Kinder P eet, Suite 100, Sa ject: Fa e: Ma Fa nt: Er Ma Ma Ru Su De Lo Ch Lis As St new items we Acti ubmittal g PA Play Area of Bldg E) G G G Play Area G an Francisco, CA airmeadow ES ay 2, 2011 airmeadow ES ric Goddard arilyn Keller ary Gordon uth Gordon uzanne Martin ebbis Ellis ori Alvarez huck McDona sa Gelfand shley Drum ephanie Oso ere discussed on By fyi AUSD GPA GPA fyi GPA GPA 94103 tel 415.34 S Site Comm S Principa Site Com Site Com Site Com n Site Com Consult PAUSD ald PAUSD GPA GPA rio GPA d: ITEM GPA indicate that DSA rev GPA present have also be phasing plan Site Committ was determin layout, remov not be demo other trees re review tree n Site Committ determined t increase sha Site Committ but that the r It was determ be combined Concern that confirm that t available tha 1 of 2 46.4040 fax 415.3 ittee Meeting al, Fairmeado mmittee mmittee mmittee mmittee ting Arborist & D D ed that submit view time coul ted preliminar een coordinati s. tee expressed ned that the s val of play str lished. GPA t ecommended numbers in Ar tee expressed hat the strate ading. GPA to tee (Ruth Gor removal of the mined that any d. t kindergarten the maximum t is still code 346.4103 mail@g ow ES & Horticulturis ttal to DSA w ld be up to 6- ry phasing dia ng with GLS d concern tha site plan would ructures, etc) to review arbo d to be saved rborist report. d concern tha egy would be t send update rdon) agreed e trees in the y mulch areas n slide was to m height was u compliant. gelfand-partners.c Meeti Project: Project No: Date: st as completed 8 months. agrams. PAU and will send at play surface d be modified to ensure tha orist report ag are not demo at play surface to keep as m ed site plan to that the healt play surface s underneath o low. GPA to used or to see F 0 M com www.gelfand i ng No d on April 15, SD indicated d GPA any up e was too clo d (redesign of at existing oak gain to ensure olished. GPA e would be to any trees as PAUSD. thiest trees sh area was acc a grouping o o follow up wi e if any anoth Fairmeadow 0916.00 May 2, 2011 d-partners.com o tes 2011 and that they pdated se to trees. It f play surface k tree would e that any also to oo hot. It was possibly to hould stay, ceptable. of trees would ith AWA to her option is ES t d M 4 ( 5 6 7 Meeting Notes 4.0 Play Area adj to Bldg G 5.0 Building 6.0 Parking (East of 7.0 Genera The G) G G g F G g Area f Bldg E) G G al ese notes will be co GPA GPA GPA GPA GPA fyi onsidered substant It was determ a climbing bo area South o Wong Assoc It was determ to Tristania L It was determ adding anoth HVAC unit. It was determ parking lot w It was determ be removed. Site committe murals on wa these project End tially correct and co mined that the oulder. The cl of Building E. iates) for revi mined that the Laurina ‘elega mined that the her tree on the mined that the ould be remo mined that the ee indicated i alls. GPA indi ts but would b of Meeting N omplete unless othe e climbing wa imbing bould GPA to send ew. e two new tree ant’. e design team e North side o e current plan oved due to hi e ground cove nterest in con cated that the be available fo Notes erwise notified in w ll would be el er would be lo manufacture es south of B m would invest of Building F a tings indicate igh traffic. er under the C ntinued site im e group shou or consultatio writing within five wo 2 of 2 iminated and ocated in the er name to AW ldg G would b tigate the fea adjacent to th ed on the east California Blac mprovements ld work with t on. orking days of rece replaced by Natural play WA (Adrienne be changed sibility of he exterior t side of the ck Oak would such as the PTA for eipt. d