Planning & Design Meetings Fairmeadow ES Teacher Meeting 6/3/2010 - Minutes
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165 Tenth Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94103 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Fairmeadow ES Teacher Meeting
Meeting Date: June 3, 2010
Location: Fairmeadow ES
Those Present: Eric Goddard Principal, Fairmeadow ES
Sara Gilman Librarian
Alison Mui 4th Grade
Valerie Sabbag 4th Grade
Chris Easton 4th Grade
Laura Johnson 4th Grade
Mindy Dodsworth 5th Grade
Lindsay Vanderbeek 5th Grade
Kachina Corti 5th Grade
Lori Alvarez PAUSD
Jenan Abdunnur GPA
Ashley Drum GPA
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
1.0 Library fyi Preferred option is where group reading area and small group work area is in
library expansion and the teaching space is on south wall of existing library.
Librarian's desk is moved to north wall and creates an expanded Librarian
work area.
fyi After review with structural consultants, library will expand towards the play
fields (see attached PDF). Expanding the back wall will interfere with a
structural shear wall which has made this option cost prohibitive.
2.0 New Building fyi Teachers request more electrical outlets for classroom laptops and printers.
Lori Alvarez, PAUSD, said that floor outlets will not be installed in classrooms
due to cost and maintenance. Wireless internet will also be provided in the
building so internet jacks will not be needed. GPA to provide adequate wall
fyi Window coverings requested by teachers. GPA to do price comparison of
window covering options
fyi Teachers request additional bookshelves near back of classroom.
fyi 5th grade teachers prefer additional casework with countertop instead of a
full-height wardrobe
fyi Leave space for one teacher provided filing cabinet in each closet
fyi Concern about instrument storage in the classroom. Gelfand to look at cubby
configuration and instrument storage room for possible solutions.
fyi The flex room location will be in the Jackson Hearing Center at the west end
of the building near the current Kindergarten wing. The staff workroom will be
located across the hall.
End of Meeting Notes
These notes will be considered substantially correct and complete unless otherwise notified in writing within five working days of receipt.
Fairmeadow ES
June 7, 2010
teaching / meetingareacomputer areagroup/ guided reading areareferencelibrarianmedia storagenew low shelvingwith display spacelibrarianwork roomperiodicalssmall groupareareading area high and low shelving, bookshelve benchesdisplay spacesstepped seating teaching spaceconnection to exteriorwindow seating librarianwork room
2-story buildingfirst floor NESW4th grade4th grade4th grade4th grade
5th gradeNESW5th grade5th grade5th gradenorthsoutheastwest2-story buildingsecond floor