Planning & Design Meetings Fairmeadow ES Site Committee Meeting 5/18/2010 - Minutes
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165 Tenth Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94103 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Fairmeadow ES Site Committee Meeting
Meeting Date: May 18, 2010
Location: Fairmeadow ES
Those Present: Eric Goddard Principal, Fairmeadow ES
Lynn Grant Site Committee
Marilyn Keller Site Committee
Mary Gordon Site Committee
Ruth Gordon Site Committee
Nana Robinson Site Committee
Ruth-Anne Siegel Site Committee
Susan Hoff Site Committee
Sara Gilman Site Committee
Tom Hodges PAUSD
Lori Alvarez PAUSD
Jenan Abdunnur GPA
Ashley Drum GPA
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
1.0 Recap fyi GPA presented 2-story building option, as decided on by site committee, to
the School Board for approval. Phase I will include the new 2-story building,
existing classroom modernization, library expansion and site reconfiguration
which includes the natural play area. Phase II will include a covered walkway
along Jackson to the new classroom building, reconfigured play structure at
Jackson, new entry point at administration building, and new multi-use and
administration buildings.
fyi Modernization scope includes lighting and ventilation upgrades in classrooms
as well as smartboards and assisted listening devices in all classrooms
fyi Request was made for hot water in the classrooms. Lori Alvarez and Eric
Goddard to work with district on this decision.
fyi Request was made for making the windows in the back of the new
kindergarten classrooms operable. GPA will look into feasibility and cost.
2.0 Library Expansion fyi Concern that expanding the back wall of the library limits visibility between the
new space and the front door
fyi Like having a more defined meeting/ teaching space. Having a meeting
space that could be shut off from library wasn't a high priority because
currently it is easy to shut off library for after-school meetings.
fyi Two laptop carts to be stored in library
fyi Request that trees around library patio be transplanted before expansion.
fyi GPA to future develop library design with Sara Gilman, Librarian.
3.0 2-story Building fyi Structural system of building is still being developed but may include either
steel or CMU on bottom floor and wood structure on 2nd floor.
fyi Heating system has not been decided on - GPA will present 2 options to
district for decision.
Fairmeadow ES
May 20, 2010
Meeting Notes 2 of 2
fyi Prefer a 4' railing on the 2nd floor deck. Stairwell should have a railing that
children cannot slide down.
4.0 Natural Play Area fyi A 1/4 mile walkway loop that goes through the natural play area and blacktop
play space is desired. Distance markers also requested.
fyi Like slide being incorporated into landscape. GPA to look at concrete as
possible slide material.
fyi Request that existing play structure to be removed is recycled. Any trees that
are removed could also be recycled and used in natural play area.
fyi Would like intimate but visible areas in the natural play area for different types
of play
fyi Prefer to not have water features or exposed sand areas because it tracks
into the classrooms
fyi Like play elements that promote hopping, hanging, climbing. Possible
features could include monkey bars, boulders for climbing, tree stumps for
hopping, mock river, animal tracks, and slides.
fyi Look at incorporating a designated digging area into natural play.
fyi Space will be reserved on current grass area for two U7 soccer fields.
Baseball backstop to also remain
fyi Natural play area should be easy to maintain
fyi Like the idea of a musical fence placed away from classrooms, possibly part
of garden fence
fyi GPA to work with Nana Robinson to develop garden plan in new location.
Nana to maintain garden after it has been planted.
End of Meeting Notes
These notes will be considered substantially correct and complete unless otherwise notified in writing within five working days of receipt.
Free Play Network
Ten design principles
Principle 4
Imagine a play space
where children can play
in different ways
Boundaries at Trefusis
Playing Field have been
designed that are playable,
attractive and suit the place.
This cost per metre of this
traditional Cornish wall is
similar to that for standard
Photo:Stuart Wallace
Design for Play: A guide to creating successful play spaces climbing wall/ climbing bridge
climbing boulder
climbing wall - various materials
art wall
leaping stones
low rope bridge
stepping posts
low balance bridge
rolling berms - large and small
wall steps
stairs and steps
tunnels - various materials
multi-function berm/hill
boulder field/stone river
bridges - various materials
natural sand area
stone bench amphitheater/tiered seating
discrete/aesthetic elements
paths of various materials/styles
mesh walls/bridges/surfaces
raised sandbox
stone bench amphitheater
light play/shade structure
concrete patterns
native grasses
water features/boulder river
musical fence
stone bench amphitheater/tiered seating
stone bench amphitheater
Fairmeadow Elementary School
New Building Preliminary Views
teaching / meetingareacomputer areagroup/ guided reading areareferencelibrarianmedia storagedisplay wallnew low shelvingwith display spacelibrarianwork roomoption 1periodicalssmall groupareateaching / meetingareacomputer areagroup/ guided reading areareferencemedia storagelibrariandesklibrarianwork roomoption 2extend existing shelvingwith new low shelving periodicalssmall groupareasmall group spaceteaching / meetingareacomputer areagroup reading areareferencelibrarianmedia storagenew low shelvingwith display spaceoption 3librarianwork roomperiodicalsreading area high and low shelving, bookshelve benchesdisplay spacesstepped seating teaching spaceconnection to exteriorwindow seating
5th gradeNESW5th grade5th grade5th gradenorthsoutheastwest2-story buildingsecond floor
2-story buildingfirst floor NESW4th grade4th grade4th grade4th grade