Planning & Design Meetings Fairmeadow ES Programming Meeting 5/5/2010 - Minutes 1 of 2 165 Tenth Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94103 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103 mail@gelfand-partners.com www.gelfand-partners.com Meeting Notes Project: Project No: Date: Meeting Subject: Fairmeadow ES Programming Meeting Meeting Date: May 5, 2010 Location: Fairmeadow ES Those Present: Eric Goddard Principal, Fairmeadow ES Sara Gilman Librarian Lindsay Vanderbeek 5th Grade Kachina Corti 5th Grade Chris Easton 4th Grade Alison Mui 4th Grade Laura Johnson 4th Grade Valerie Sabbag 4th/5th Grade Lori Alvarez PAUSD Jenan Abdunnur GPA Ashley Drum GPA The following new items were discussed: New Items Action By ITEM 1.0 Library fyi Stepped seating in story corner is desirable for group reading. Shelving for picture books should be incorporated into this area. fyi Librarian desk currently lacks drawers or filing cabinets and are requested by librarian fyi 2 computers should be devoted to catalogue searches, preferably placed at standing level near the librarian's desk. fyi computer station should be near teaching area and visable from librarian's desk fyi Keeping the teaching area in its current location has been eliminated as an option due to visibility issues with the structural columns. fyi Low shelving good for visibility and displays within the library fyi/GPA Gelfand left possible layout options with Sarah Gilman, Librarian, for review and future discussion. 2.0 4th Grade fyi Concern about noise from upper level classrooms being heard in ground floor classrooms. Currently, a concrete deck is proposed for the second floor which works well as both a sound and vibration barrier fyi Current closet size in classrooms is 11' x 4 1/2'. Proposed closet size is 9' x 7' which could be decreased to allow for the addition of shared doors between classrooms. GPA to look at this option. fyi fyi Teachers like the idea of having a teaching space and group work space. L- shaped classroom layout possible solution. fyi Classroom shelves desirable for storage of library books, teaching aids, etc. fyi Counter space wanted in the classroom for displaying projects Fairmeadow ES 0916.00 May 14, 2010 Meeting Notes 2 of 2 fyi Concern was raised about outside distraction from the windows facing the fields. Classrooms are located 50 ft. away from place space. Use of landscape elements was discussed as a possible visual barrier. fyi Visual connection needed between interior and exterior spaces. Gelfand to look at window and sliding door with windows options fyi Display and notice board areas requested on exterior of building. fyi Exterior hooks for classrooms not needed unless backpacks can be stored outside (which was previously discarded due to squirrels on campus). Cubbies in the classrooms should include hooks for coats and larger storage segments for instruments in addition to backpack storage. 3.0 5th Grade fyi Prefer closets be located behind bathrooms. In shared closet option, doors located back to back preferred for connection between classrooms. fyi Teachers decided that they prefer the extra floor space and do not want a learning wall in the classroom fyi Low shelving with tack board below high windows preferred on south wall of classroom. Gelfand to review ratio of open shelving to cabinets with doors. Larger windows favorable. End of Meeting Notes These notes will be considered substantially correct and complete unless otherwise notified in writing within five working days of receipt. teaching / meetingareacomputer areagroup/ guided reading areareferencelibrarianmedia storagedisplay wallnew low shelvingwith display spacelibrarianwork roomoption 1periodicalssmall grouparea teaching / meetingareacomputer areagroup/ guided reading areareferencemedia storagelibrariandesklibrarianwork roomoption 2extend existing shelvingwith new low shelving periodicalssmall grouparea small group spaceteaching / meetingareacomputer areagroup reading areareferencelibrarianmedia storagenew low shelvingwith display spaceoption 3librarianwork roomperiodicals