Planning & Design Meetings Fairmeadow ES Programming Meeting 4/28/2010 - Minutes
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165 Tenth Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94103 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Fairmeadow E.S. Programming
Meeting Date: 4-28-10
Location: Fairmeadow Library
Those Present: Sara Gilman Librarian
Laura Johnson 4th grade
Kachina Corti 5th grade
Valerie Sabbag 4/5
Alison Mui 4th grade
Mindy Dodsworth 5th grade
Lindsay Vanderbeek 5th grade
Barbara Carlson Special Day
Ginny Russell Kindergarten
Honore Lau Kindergarten
Tom Hodges PAUSD
Lori Alvarez PAUSD
Jenan Abdunnur Gelfand
Ashley Drum Gelfand
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
2.1 Library fyi Create a more defined teaching space within the library to
accommodate classes as well as teacher meetings/ PTA. This area to
include a 6 LF to 8 LF white board with a standard size smart board for
presentations and seating for 36 students. A document projector may also
be incorporated into this space. This area should accommodate group
meetings for up to 40 adults.
fyi Increase book storage. Currently, library holds between 12,000 books. This
figure to be determined by student population and national books per
student standard. Book storage area to be increased to 13,000 volumes.
fyi Card catalogue no longer used. As searches are done online
fyi There are currently 1‐3 staff aids per class
fyi Space for maximum 12 computers that can be monitored by librarian
fyi Story area that will comfortably seat 25 students on the floor, risers or
chairs preferably in a circular arrangement
fyi More display spaces inside and outside of library. Currently, display spaces
are above the eye level of children and are not easily accessible. This
includes both open and secure display spaces.
Fairmeadow E.S.
April 29, 2010
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fyi Librarian desk size sufficient but location allows for children to circulate
behind desk. "L" space not necessary, but works.
fyi Designate storage area for 2 to 3 laptop carts. Library will not story other
media devices (ie TVs) Each cart houses 24 laptops.
fyi Web room is a guided reading area with 1 teacher per 4‐6 students. Only
teachers should have access to these materials.
fyi Natural day lighting in library is detrimental to books. UV filtering glazing
possible solution.
fyi Palo Verde's library to be an example
GPA Gelfand to look into incorporating the web room into the library
GPA Gelfand to look into eliminating structural columns to open up central
seating/presentation space
2.2 4th/5th Grade fyi/GPA Classroom activities include large group instruction and small groups.
Possible configurations are a single open area in classrooms or a large group
area with a smaller breakout space. Gelfand to bring classroom
configurations to next meeting.
fyi Classroom storage between rooms can be shared by both teachers
fyi Need shared storage area and work room close to new building in Jackson.
Gelfand to look at possible configurations.
fyi Coat hooks outside classrooms with cubbies inside classrooms. Concern
about leaving backpacks/lunches outside due to squirrels on campus.
fyi Sliding "barn door" configuration, similar to Ohlone's new building, in first
floor classrooms as one option for next meeting
fyi Requested to have curtains replaced in existing rooms and having window
coverings in new rooms to block out daylighting when using electronics
fyi No built in computer stations necessary as students are now using laptops.
Teachers prefer this area be dedicated for storage. Possibly include space
for a pod of up to 4 computers in classroom.
fyi Teaching wall to be shown as an option at next meeting
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fyi Current counter space around sinks sufficient (6‐8 LF). Gelfand to provide
photos of double sink configuration
GPA Gelfand to look at possible locations for flex room in Jackson building and in
the existing kindergarten classrooms
2.3 Special Day fyi Requested movable partitions to create zones within the classroom for
student/aid work. This could create up to 3 to 4 1‐on‐1 areas concurrently.
fyi Include lockable wardrobes in the classrooms for 5 to 6 aids to store
personal belongings
fyi Prefer to hang therapy swing from ceiling rather than have it on a portable
fyi Existing lighting in Jackson classrooms very disruptive to special needs
students. Color rendition and direct/indirect lighting to be reviewed for
possible improvement.
fyi Request hypo‐allergenic carpeting
fyi Need sound isolation and acoustics are extra important for special needs
fyi curtains for when using electronics
fyi 12 interior cubbies for student storage
fyi diaper/glove storage within room. No changing table required but space for
changing area needed.
fyi No designated computer stations necessary
fyi Outdoor play area
‐ monkey bars ‐ play structure not needed
‐ planter boxes
‐ shared outdoor play area with kindergarten
2.4 Kindergarten fyi Requested both an adult height sink and kindergarten height sink in
fyi Prefer to keep the existing doors between classrooms
fyi Requested more walk‐up work walls for students. Wall to act as a "second
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teacher." Wall should have writing and posting surfaces. Existing wiremold
interferes with wall use.
fyi Minimum of 8 LF of white board
fyi Closet area is required. Approximately 6' x 7' in area, similar to existing
kindergarten classrooms
fyi Classroom activities include cooking projects. Provide outlets for
refrigerator and microwave
fyi Shelving for books/game/curriculum binders that students can access
comparable to existing kindergarten shelving
fyi No casework projecting into open spaces of classroom
fyi No designated computer work stations
fyi Flat file storage drawers for posters/construction paper/etc. Minimum of
6 LF
fyi Outdoor space
‐ planter boxes for gardening
‐ sand box
‐ water play
‐climbing areas
‐ space for 2 storage sheds (1 is existing)
‐ natural play area with grading
‐ outdoor sink area
‐flat lawn area
‐ Fencing (8') all around
‐ growing plants
‐ small chain link for art projects
‐ areas designated for painting
‐ picnic benches for art/ eating in play area
‐ basketball net (1)
‐story circle
‐landscape area for bicycle usage
‐visibility for supervision of entire yard is important
‐consider shaded areas
End of Meeting Notes
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