Planning & Design Meetings Fairmeadow ES Programming Meeting 2/8/2010 - Minutes
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165 Tenth Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94103 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Fairmeadow ES Programming Meeting
Meeting Date: February 8, 2010 at 3:15 pm
Location: Fairmeadow ES
Those Present: Eric Goddard Principal, Fairmeadow ES
Lori Alvarez PAUSD
Lisa Gelfand GPA
Jenan Abdunnur GPA
Ashley Drum GPA
Sara Gilman Librarian
Valerie Sabbag Teacher/ Parent
Sara McNinch Kindergarten Teacher
Ruth-Anne Siegel PTA President
Marilyn Keller Parent
Ruth Gordon Parent
Mary Gordon Community Representative
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
1.0 Traffic GP Gelfand to take site options to the Palo Alto Traffic Committee for review on
2/18. Site Committee would like to increase the safety on and around the
campus. Possible solutions could be an increased drop-off area in front of
school to eliminate children having to cross E. Meadow. Site Committee
would also like to put bike racks at both ends of campus.
1.1 PAUSD Lori to provide Gelfand with the traffic plan for JLS
2.0 Site INFO Solar heat gain from "redtop" asphalt in classrooms 9-14 unbearable during
fall (see attached diagrams). Possible solutions proposed by Gelfand and
Site Committee:
- Add trellis' at the edge of the roof to block sun reflection
- Plant 40' trees along the edge of the asphalt to create shade
- Create a separation between asphalt and classrooms as done at El
- Build shade structures with PV panels installed on top
2.1 INFO Currently the air intake for the Jackson Hearing Center is in a very hot location
which brings hot air into the building. Gelfand to look into alleviating this
2.2 INFO Site Committee proposed an entry point from Mitchell Park. Concern over
safety was answered by Eric Goddard, Principle, who said that they gate
would be locked during school hours and at night.
2.3 INFO Question raised about need for air conditioning in new and existing buildings.
The current direction is to use stack ventilation where clerestory windows and
low louvers create pressure differential to allow hot air to rise and escape and
cooler outside air to be pulled into the classroom. The goal is that inside air
temperatures should never exceed outside air temperatures. The Site
Committee supports sustainable design practices and would prefer solutions
as mentioned above and proposed in meeting item 2.0 instead of relying on
air conditioning.
Fairmeadow ES
March 2, 2010
Meeting Notes 2 of 2
2.4 INFO Proposed garden location to be discussed after traffic meeting. Raised beds
proposed along E. Meadow to utilize garden funds. Important to note that
nothing placed along exterior fence line should interfere with line of site from
roadway as mandated by Palo Alto Police.
3.1 Timeline INFO Next Site Committee meeting 2/22 at 3:15 pm in Fairmeadow Library
3.2 INFO Community meeting 3/2 at 7:30 pm in Fairmeadow Library
3.3 GPA Gelfand to proposed recommended option at the School Board meeting 3/9
End of Meeting Notes
These notes will be considered substantially correct and complete unless otherwise notified in writing within five working days of receipt.
5kkkksp day2333321111multi-use (e) science portable
flexgardenk playmulti-useadminlibraryclassroomkindergartenportableLEGENDOption AFairmeadow Elementary School2.2.10scale: 1/32” = 1’-0”expanded adminJLS fire lane
2day care44555442relocatedbike parkinglibraryrelocatedparkingadminsp dayrsp
53333flexk2222ksp day11multi-use (e) science portable
gardenk playmulti-useadminlibraryclassroomkindergartenportableLEGENDOption BFairmeadow Elementary School2.2.10scale: 1/32” = 1’-0”JLS fire lane
kday care4455544krelocatedbike parkinglibraryrelocatedparkingadminrspsp day11
kkkkflex23333sp day11multi-use (e) science portable
gardenk playmulti-useadminlibraryclassroomkindergartenportableLEGENDOption CFairmeadow Elementary School2.2.10scale: 1/32” = 1’-0”JLS fire lane
2day carerelocatedbike parkinglibraryrelocatedparkingadminrspsp day11224/54/54/54/5
Section Diagram: Existing Building
Fairmeadow Elementary School
scale: 1/4”= 1’-0”
Poor insulation allows heat to
penetrate through roof and walls
Closed clerestory windows
trap in hot air
views to playground
midday summer sun:
heats asphalt area
heats building through roof and walls
afternoon fall sun:
radiant sun heats redtop area
and classroom interior
Heat radiates o asphalt and red top
Creates hotter air at classroom walls
Section Diagram: Existing Building
Fairmeadow Elementary School
scale: 1/4”= 1’-0”
tree line at edge of asphalt paving:
reduce reected heat gain o asphalt
deciduous tree allows reected winter sunlight
columnar base allows views to playing elds
Additional insulation reduces
solar heat gain through the
buidling envelope
Re-opening clerestory windows
allows for stack ventilation
Additional low wall vents
allow cool outside air into
views to playground
midday summer sun:
shaded asphalt area
afternoon fall sun:
shaded redtop area
vine screen reduces heat gain at red top