Planning & Design Meetings Fairmeadow ES Programming Meeting 1/25/2010 - Minutes
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165 Tenth Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94103 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Fairmeadow ES Programming Meeting
Meeting Date: January 25, 2010
Location: Fairmeadow ES
Those Present: Eric Goddard Principal, Fairmeadow ES
Tom Hodges O’Connor
Lori Alvarez PAUSD
Lisa Gelfand GPA
Jenan Abdunnur GPA
Ashley Drum GPA
Lynn Grant Kindergarten, 4th Grade Teacher, Fairmeadow ES
Sara Gilman Librarian
Ruth-Anne Siegel PTA President
Ruth Gordon Parent
Kathleen Greene Parent
Nana Robinson Parent
Mary Gordon Community Representative
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
1.0 Option A.1 INFO Pros (Option A.1)
- location of courtyard space utilizes "dead space" at the back of campus and
allows more continuous field space. This location will have a higher cost
because it requires the daycare portables to be relocated.
1.1 INFO Cons (Option A.1)
- Questions regarding supervision and line of sight to the courtyard or behind
building arose. The principle, Eric Goddard noted that someone would be
stationed there for supervision during recess and lunch and that in the
building itself there are at least 8 teachers with views to the exteriors.
2.0 Option A.2 INFO Pros (Option A.2)
- Multi-use building has strong connection to fields and acts as a field house/
auxiliary space throughout the day
- multi-use location easier to supervise than current location at front of school
during lunch
- Multi-use becomes focal point as you enter the campus
- library location at front of school makes it more of a community space
because of its direct connection to the front of the school and parking. Site
Committee proposes that this space should include a meeting room with an
additional meeting room that connects to an outdoor area.
- existing multi-purpose can be converted into library space without tearing it
2.1 INFO Cons (Option A.2)
- proposed location of multi-use not as accessible or convenient for after
school use as the current location
Fairmeadow ES
January 26, 2010
Meeting Notes 2 of 3
- location of new classroom building encroaches on field space. SC prefers
location of courtyard proposed in option A.1
2.2 GPA GP to further develop scheme with new multi-use located in field as proposed
in option A.2 and courtyard located as proposed in option A.1
3.0 Alternate A.3 INFO The district requested GPA to prepare the lowest cost option for the school
board's review comparison. This option includes the classroom layout as
proposed in option A.2 which has the kindergarten classrooms in their existing
location with two new classrooms in the JHC and the special day located next
to existing kindergarten (rm. 3 & 4). All other site elements are as proposed in
option A.1. Phase two for this option would be to tear down and rebuild multi-
use in current location.
3.1 GPA GP to further develop this option for next meeting
4.0 Option C.1 INFO Pros (Option C.1)
- 2-story building has a smaller footprint than 1-story which allows for more
green space
- 2-story building mimics tall redwoods at edge of site as well as unifies
"double redwoods" with new design.
- 2-story promotes air movement through building and creates shaded areas
for outdoor learning spaces
- Site committee likes the idea of incorporating the garden into the entire
outdoor area and allowing it to flow into the circulation patterns for the exterior
4.1 INFO Cons (Option C.1)
- Garden has too much shaded area, needs more sunny areas.
4.2 GPA GP to further develop option C.1 for next meeting.
5.0 Option C.2 INFO Pros (Option C.2)
- garden location utilizes space that currently "cut-off" from campus and
creates link to new building. Incorporating the redwoods into the garden
design eliminates the feeling that they are a barrier to the back of the school.
- library location at front of school makes it more of a community space
because of its direct connection to the front of the school and parking. SC
proposes that this space should include a meeting room with an additional
meeting room that connects to an outdoor area.
5.1 INFO Cons (Option C.2)
- multi-use located at the back of campus could be a problem at night and has
no direct connection to green space. This location option has been
- location of garden may be too shady due to redwood trees. Locating garden
to the south of trees would provide more sunlight but would be disconnected
from campus.
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5.2 INFO This option has been eliminated but applicable comments will be applied to
option C.1 development.
6.0 Alternate C.3 INFO Site committee revisited the idea of constructing a 2-story building in the area
of the existing 3rd grade portables as presented in schemes B & E Jan 11,
2010. Consensus was that this location did not feel connected to the campus
due to the line of redwood trees between the new building and the rest of the
school. GPA noted we could remove the trees to create a better visual
connection, the group did not support this idea.
8.0 Preferences INFO SC likes the idea of a multi-use that can also be used as gym space
8.1 INFO SC likes the idea of eliminating the front wall of the JHC and creating a
covered outdoor area similar to the existing buildings. This would also allow
direct entry to classrooms from outside. GP to investigate structural feasibility
in later design phases.
9.0 General Site INFO SC would like the existing square footage of field area maintained in new
9.1 INFO SC would like the existing square footage of blacktop play area maintained in
new design
9.2 INFO SC commented that the play structure by the JHC is too small and is not
interesting enough for the children.
9.3 INFO SC prefers the idea of integrating play structure elements into the natural
design of the garden to create a more interesting play environment. SC likes
play area at Bing preschool located at the Stanford campus.
9.4 INFO SC prefer trees along edge of blacktop to eliminate heat island but it must be
done in a way that doesn't eliminate sight lines for teachers monitoring
10.0 Traffic INFO SC concerned with increased traffic on E. Meadow after school expansion.
The district responded that on-site parking and traffic issues will be addressed
by GP and traffic engineer after the school board approves the proposed
option from the SC. City traffic meetings will address off-site traffic issues.
11.0 Construction INFO Gilbane Inc. will be the construction manager on the project and will work with
the school, contractor and city to develop construction traffic flow. Gilbane will
take over from O'Connor after board approval of schematic design.
12.0 GPA/PTA Next meeting will be held Feb. 2 at 7:30 with the Fairmeadow PTA in the
Fairmeadow library
12.1 GPA/SC Next site committee meeting will be Feb. 8 at 3:15 in the Fairmeadow library
12.2 GPA GPA to tentatively present options selected by site committee to school board
March 9
12.3 SC Host a community meeting mid to late Feb. to present proposed options to
neighbors and staff
End of Meeting Notes
These notes will be considered substantially correct and complete unless otherwise notified in writing within five working days of receipt.
5kkkkflex23333sp day2211multi-use (e) science portable
librarygardenk playmulti-useadminlibraryclassroomkindergartenportableLEGENDOption A.1Fairmeadow Elementary School1.25.10scale: 1/32” = 1’-0”rsp11JLS fire lane
2day care4455544sp dayrelocatedbike parkingstagerelocatedparkingadminPHASING OPTIONphase 1- build new classrooms- JLS driveway parking reconfiguration- relocate kindergarten and develop kindergarten play area- relocate daycare- expand library- remove portable classrooms- develop garden phase 2- tear down and expand multi-use (requires temporary MP)
53333k2222sp daysp. day11multi-u
(e) science portablelibrary
gardenk playmulti-useadminlibraryclassroomkindergartenportableLEGENDOption A.2Fairmeadow Elementary School1.25.10scale: 1/32” = 1’-0”11JLS fire lane
kday care455544kk54flexrspPHASING OPTIONphase 1- build new classrooms- move flex/rsp to expanded admin. rooms- expand kindergarten and develop kindergarten play area- remove portable classrooms- develop garden phase 2- convert existing multi-purpose room to library- expand existing library and convert to flex/ rsp- develop expanded admin. - build multi-use buildingexpanded parkingareaexpan
relocatedbike parkingnew campusentry
(e) day care4/54/54/54kkkksp day223333221111stagemulti-use (e) science portableexpanded library (2,500 sq. ft.)gardenk playmulti-useadminlibraryclassroomkindergartenportableLEGENDOption C.1Fairmeadow Elementary School1.25.10scale: 1/32” = 1’-0”sp day4/5flexrspJLS fire lanePHASING OPTIONphase 1- build new 2-story classroom building- JLS driveway parking reconfiguration- relocate kindergarten and develop kindergarten play area- expand library- remove portable classrooms- develop garden phase 2- tear down and expand multi-use (requires temporary MP)relocatedparkingrelocatedbike parkingnew 2-storybuilding
day care4/54/54/54kkkksp dayadmin3333222211stagemulti-use (e) science portablelibrary
gardenk playmulti-useadminlibraryclassroomkindergartenportableLEGENDOption C.2Fairmeadow Elementary School1.25.10scale: 1/32” = 1’-0”sp day4/511JLS fire lane
adminrspflexPHASING OPTIONphase 1- relocated kindergarten and develop kindergarten play area- build 2-story classroom building- remove portable classrooms- relocate daycare- relocate flex/rsp in future admin expansion- build new multi-use building- JLS driveway parking reconfigurationphase 2- convert existing multi-purpose room to library- expand existing library and convert to flex/ rsp- develop expanded admin. - develop gardenexpanded parking relocatedbike parkingnew two-storyclassroom buildingrelocatedparking
5250 - 750012001200960960DAYCARE (PACC)33840384048,01039,992
courtyard spaceoutdoor stage Bullis multi-use, Los AltosBlach gym, Los AltosLoyola multi-use, Los AltosLoyola multi-use, Los Altosnatural play spacenatural play spacenatural play spacenatural play space