Planning & Design Meetings Fairmeadow ES Programming Meeting 1/11/2010 - Minutes
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165 Tenth Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94103 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Fairmeadow ES Programming Meeting
Meeting Date: January 11, 2010
Location: Fairmeadow ES
Those Present: Eric Goddard Principal, Fairmeadow ES
Tom Hodges O’Connor
Lori Alvarez PAUSD
Janice Shaul PACCC
Lisa Gelfand GPA
Jenan Abdunnur GPA
Ashley Drum GPA
Lynn Grant Kindergarten/ 4th Grade Teacher, Fairmeadow ES
Sara Gilman Teacher/ Librarian, Fairmeadow ES
Sara McNinch Kindergarten Teacher, Fairmeadow ES
Valerie Sabbag 4th Grade Teacher, Fairmeadow ES
Ruth-Anne Siegel PTA President
Ruth Gordon Parent
Marilyn Keller Parent
Aaron Greene Parent
Nana Robinson Parent
Mary Gordon Community Representative
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
1.0 General Discussion INFO The role of the Site Committee is to recommend schemes to the District who
will then take those schemes to the Board for approval. This approval
process will occur at each stage of design.
1.2 INFO The proposed square footage for the classrooms, kindergartens, library, multi-
use and administration spaces is based on the required size set by the
California Department of Education and the California Building Code.
1.3 INFO Classroom size standards are set at 960 sq. ft. which was originally based on
33 students per classroom. The California Dept. of Education has
recommended that this square footage not be decreased in response to class
size reduction.
2.0 Program Summary INFO see attached spreadsheet for program summary as discussed and confirmed
by the site committee.
2.1 INFO Gelfand presented two options for the multi-use space; one at 5250 sq. ft.
(large enough for the entire school to assemble) with an attached stage and
one with a full size basketball court, bleachers and stage at 12,000 sq. ft. The
District said the multi-use space should be between 5,500 and 7,000 sq. ft. for
elementary schools.
2.2 INFO Gelfand proposed a flex room at 960 sq. ft. and the District stated that the
standard is 1,200 sq. ft. which includes storage spaces. The original program
was updated to reflect this change.
2.3 INFO The existing science portable is funded through Partners in Education and is
currently planned to remain on site.
3.0 Option A INFO Pros (Option A)
Fairmeadow ES
January 14, 2010
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- Proposed building configuration to create a courtyard between
classrooms. Grades 4 and 5 preferred in classrooms that are farthest
from the administration
3.1 INFO Cons (Option A)
- There is no connection made between the classroom wing and the
Jackson Hearing Center (JHC). Site committee feels that the garden will
not increase pedestrian traffic flow through JHC.
- The two new kindergarten classrooms have a smaller square footage
than the current kindergarten classrooms because they are converted first
grade rooms.
- The new fifth grade classrooms are shown at 960 sq. ft. which is smaller
than the rooms they currently occupy.
3.2 Alternative INFO Option A alternative: Site Committee requested the kindergarten classrooms
be moved to current 5th grade classrooms (Rms. 11-14) with special day
classrooms in Rms. 9-10.
3.3 Alternative INFO Option A alternative: Replace asphalt outside existing 5th grade classrooms
with green space to reduce heat island effect in afternoon. Add asphalt play
area away from classrooms.
3.4 GPA Gelfand to further pursue Option A with suggestions made by site committee.
4.0 Option B INFO Pros (Option B)
- Keeping the Kindergarten in its current location preserves play area with
redwood forest.
- Location of new 3rd grade classrooms turns JHC into a connection
between existing buildings and new building.
- The location of the garden and its connection to the existing play
structure. Also like how the pathway to the 4th grade classrooms is
incorporated into the garden design.
4.1 INFO Cons (Option B)
- By creating kindergarten play areas in the front of the school as well as
between the existing classroom building and JHC, there was concern that
the line of sight for teachers monitoring the kindergarten children was
- The new 4th grade classrooms are placed to far away from existing
classrooms and feel disconnected from the rest of the campus.
4.2 INFO Site committee requested an entry point to campus at south side of JHC
4.3 INFO Site committee suggested adding a sidewalk along JLS driveway to address
safety issue with cars during morning drop-off
4.4 GPA This option will be discarded as decided by site committee but applicable site
suggestions will be incorporated into other options.
5.0 Option C INFO Pros (Option C)
- Relocation of kindergarten classrooms provides a larger play area for
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- Location of 2-story building creates a connection with the JHC, the
exsiting classrooms and new building. JHC currently feels disconnected
from campus.
- Relocate parking along JLS driveway behind 2-story building to reduce
traffic flow at campus entry.
5.1 Alternative INFO Option C Alternative: Replace expanded admin space with special day
classrooms to create link with kindergarten.
5.2 INFO Site committee suggests relocating the bike parking currently behind the
multi-use building to the entry by JHC
5.3 GPA 2-story option to be further developed by Gelfand with appropriate site
suggestions as decided by site committee
6.0 Option D INFO Pros (Option D)
- Relocation of kindergarten classrooms provides a larger play area for
- Location of 2-story building creates a connection with the JHC, existing
classrooms and new building.
6.1 GPA This option to be further developed with Option C as decided by site
7.0 Option E INFO Site committee feels that the location of 2-story building creates disconnect
from campus
7.1 INFO This option to be discarded as decided by site committee
8.0 General Site INFO Site committee requests that the number of parking spaces be maintained on
the campus.
8.1 INFO Site committee would like to see the garden placed in a sunny area. They
also like the garden being integrated into the circulation of the campus.
9.0 GPA/SC Next meeting will be held January 25 at 3:15 in the Fairmeadow library
End of Meeting Notes
These notes will be considered substantially correct and complete unless otherwise notified in writing within five working days of receipt.
5250 - 750012001200
(e) day care333344445555rspflex222222kkkk1111lobbystagefull sizegym(e) science portableexpanded library (2,500 sq. ft.)gardenfull size gym (10,500 sq. ft.)(e) admink playmulti-useadminlibraryclassroomkindergartenportableLEGENDOption AFairmeadow Elementary School1.11.10scale: 1/32” = 1’-0”
(e) day care44445555rspflexkk2222kk1111sp daystageexpandedmulti-use(5,250 sq. ft.)(e) science portableexpanded library (2,500 sq. ft.)gardenoutdoor amphitheater(e) admink playmulti-useadminlibraryclassroomkindergartenportableLEGENDOption BFairmeadow Elementary School1.11.10sp dayrelocated parking
relocated day careportableskkkk223333spdaysp day22111(e) science portablefull size gym (10,500 sq. ft.)gardenexpanded admin(e) admink playmulti-useadminlibraryclassroomkindergartenportableLEGENDOption CFairmeadow Elementary School1.11.101(n) two-story building4/54/54/54/5remodel (e) multi-use bldg. to(n) library (2,750 sq. ft.)flexrsplobbystagefull sizegymscale: 1/32” = 1’-0”
relocated day careportables3333spdaysp day2222kkkk111(e) science portablefull size gym (10,500 sq. ft.)garden(e) admink playmulti-useadminlibraryclassroomkindergartenportableLEGENDOption DFairmeadow Elementary School1.11.101(n) two-story building4/54/54/54/5lobbystagefull sizegymscale: 1/32” = 1’-0”expanded libraryflexrsp
(e) day care3/43/43/43/45555rspflex222222kkkk1111lobbystagefull sizegym(e) science portableexpanded library (2,500 sq. ft.)gardenfull size gym (10,500 sq. ft.)(e) admink playmulti-useadminlibraryclassroomkindergartenportableLEGENDOption EFairmeadow Elementary School1.11.10scale: 1/32” = 1’-0”
courtyard spaceBlach gym, Los AltosLoyola multi-use, Los Altosoutdoor stage Bullis multi-use, Los AltosLoyola multi-use, Los Altos