Planning & Design Meetings Fairmeadow ES Programming Meeting 11/10/2009 - Minutes 1 of 2 165 Tenth Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94103 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103 mail@gelfand-partners.com www.gelfand-partners.com Meeting Notes Project: Project No: Date: Fairmeadow ES 0916.00 November 13, 2009 Meeting Subject: Fairmeadow ES Programming Meeting Meeting Date: 11/10/09- 1PM Location: Fairmeadow ES Those Present: Eric Goddard Principal, Fairmeadow ES Bob Golton PAUSD Tom Hodges O’Connor Lori Alvarez O’Connor Lisa Gelfand GPA Jenan Abdunnur GPA The following new items were discussed: New Items Action By ITEM 1.1 Current Program INFO Fairmeadow currently runs a 3 1/3 strand program with 20 Classrooms and 2 Special Day. Total classrooms currently are are 22. 1.2 INFO K through 3 has 21 students per class, 4/5 has 23. 1.3 INFO Currently 3 classes operate from portables 1.4 INFO Extra program includes 1 science lab portable, 1 resource specialist full size room 1.5 INFO Special Day classes is a county run program. 1.6 INFO The building formerly known as the Jackson Learning Center, is used as a classroom building and classes are currently using the Jackson bldg. The center has special acoustical treatment and smaller breakout rooms that are used by the school for resource programs. 1.7 INFO Each Kindergarten houses 20 students. All students come to school in the morning, and 2 days a week half the students stay full day, and the other half go home at lunch. Wednesday is a short day, so everyone leaves early. The other 2 days the other half of the class stays late while half go home early. Kindergarten runs a shorter day then the rest of the school, so pick-up is staggered. 2.1 Proposed Program INFO PAUSD plans to increase Fairmeadow to a 4 strand school. Eric Goddard noted that the designated attendance area should support the 4 strand population. 2.2 INFO A 4 strand school will require 4 classrooms at each grade level and 1 flex room (25 CR). Fairmeadow plans for 2 special day, and 1 full size resource specialist room- so the total classroom count will be 28 CR. 2.3 INFO Other spaces on the site include the science lab portable, library, multi-use room, and administration. 2.4 INFO Total growth size is + 8 classrooms (includes removal of 3 portables). 3.1 Buildings/Site INFO The current location of kindergarten rooms is liked because of the proximity to play space and orientation towards Meadow Street and the JLS parking lot. Meeting Notes 2 of 2 3.2 INFO Current After School Care is run by PACCC. 3.3 INFO Field area is important, but current field has poor drainage. Current field houses 2 small soccer fields and 1 little league diamond. 3.4 INFO The MP Room would like to be expanded and have curb appeal. 3.5 INFO Students pick up lunch in the MP room, but eat elsewhere- outside, etc. 3.6 INFO School does not think Pick-up/Drop-off is problematic. 3.7 INFO There is some common use of the JLS side access road- the special Day buses use it, and occasionally some Kindergarten teachers or parents may use it. 3.8 INFO There are roughly 75 students biking to school daily. 3.9 INFO A new building is being planned for JLS at the eastern perimeter of Fairmeadow. Fire-Access to that building may need to be considered in conjunction with development of the Fairmeadow site plan. 4.1 Next Steps GPA/PAUSD Development of a Master Plan for the site is scheduled to take place at the end of 2009. Upon completion and board approval of the master plan, the architects will be able to develop plans for the school reconstruction. Anticipated timeline for planning is roughly 9 months to 1 year. 4.2 School A site committee will need to be developed to work with the Architects, School and District throughout the planning, development, and construction phases. The site committee is most effective when it is a cross sectional representation comprised of regular, long-term members. 4.3 INFO Meetings will be held with school staff, community members, and district representatives in addition to the site committee. 4.4 O’Connor The group will meet in the next week or two to begin the planning process. 4.5 INFO GPA will plan on attending the next PTA meeting- December 1 (held on the first Tuesday of each month). End of Meeting Notes These notes will be considered substantially correct and complete unless otherwise notified in writing within five working days of receipt.