Planning & Design Meetings Ohlone Community Meeting 2/5/2009 - Minutes
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450 Geary Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94102 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Ohlone Community Meeting
Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 at 6:30 PM
Location: Ohlone Elementary School
Those Present: Susan Charles Principal, Ohlone
Lori Alvarez PAUSD
Thomas Hodges O’Connor/PAUSD
Chris Duncan GPA
Steven Korovesis GPA
Ashley Drum GPA
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
2.1 Bond Measure fyi GPA presented scope of proposed bond work to community members of Ohlone
neighborhood. Bond scope is a new 12-classroom building, including a flex room,
replacing 7 portables.
2.2 Conceptual Schemes fyi GPA presented various options for a 2-story building located adjacent to the farm, or
near the existing play structure.
fyi GPA presented option for a 1-story building located at existing portables.
2.3 Traffic / Commute fyi An Ohlone neighbor had concerns about the increased number of students at Ohlone.
Because Ohlone is a choice school and students come from all over the city, the
neighbor was concerned about the increased traffic from these students. He proposed
that a certain number of the new students come from the immediate Ohlone
neighborhood to avoid an increase in traffic. He also proposed that another school in
the district increase its capacity instead, and Ohlone remain at the current enrollment.
fyi/GPA GPA to look at the current drop-off/ parking configuration at Ohlone. Neighbors and
parents felt that the current layout could be improved upon to better facilitate drop off,
parking, and bike parking. It was suggested that the paved area in the fire lane behind
Building D could be reconfigured to provide more parking.
2.4 Trees fyi A neighbor voiced a preference that the redwood trees at Ohlone not be disturbed.
GPA explained that all schemes intend to preserve the redwood trees along the back
2.5 Supervision fyi A community member raised concerns about the 2-story scheme placed at the location
of the existing playground. The building would interrupt views to the back of campus,
and make supervision of the entire campus from one point difficult.
2.6 Farm fyi It was emphasized that the farm is an integral part of the Ohlone education and
identity. Neighbors and parents were concerned the farm remain as is. All GPA
concepts keep current configuration of farm.
2.7 Building Design fyi A neighbor raised a concern about the addition of a 2-story building added to the
campus, when most buildings in the neighborhood are single story. He had concerns
if the building would be able to be viewed from street.
fyi A neighbor preferred that any new building match the look of the existing architecture
on the campus.
2.8 Construction fyi Disruption on neighborhood and the campus during construction is a concern. It was
felt that the 2-story option in the center of campus would be the most disruptive.
fyi It was emphasized that the relationship between Friends School and the Buddhist
Temple be maintained during construction. It is preferred that those neighbors will be
minimally disrupted during Ohlone construction.
End of Meeting Notes
These notes will be considered substantially correct and complete unless otherwise notified in writing within five working days of
Ohlone Elementary School
February 24, 2009