Planning & Design Meetings Ohlone New Building Concepts 1/7/2009 - Minutes
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450 Geary Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94102 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Ohlone New Building Concepts
Meeting Date: January 7, 2009 at 2:00 PM
Location: Ohlone Elementary School
Those Present: Susan Charles Principal, Ohlone Elementary School
Barbara Portman Ohlone Site Committee
Bill Overton Ohlone Site Committee
Nico Janik Ohlone Site Committee
Lori Alvarez PAUSD
Paul Stickney PAUSD
Thomas Hodges O’Connor/PAUSD
Chris Duncan GPA
Lisa Gelfand GPA
Steven Korovesis GPA
Ashley Drum GPA
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
2.1 Building Layout fyi GPA presented options for various 1-story and 2-story building schemes at Ohlone
Elementary School. All schemes consist of 11 classrooms and 1 flex room.
fyi Conceptual Plan A: This scheme consists of a 1-story, 12 classroom building at the
location of the existing portables. A covered walk runs between 9 classrooms adjacent
to the property line and 3 rooms facing the central green space. The roofs would have
skylights to allow natural light into each space. The three rooms facing the central
space would create defined outdoor spaces for use by the surrounding classrooms.
fyi Conceptual Plan B: This scheme consists of a 1-story, 12 classroom building at the
location of the existing portables. Classrooms are clustered in groups of three around
a shared teacher work area. There would be a covered walkway running in front of all
classrooms that would define associated green. These spaces would be used as an
outdoor extension to the surrounding classrooms. Concerns for this option were
covering the outdoor spaces so they could be utilized for outdoor eating during rainy
fyi Conceptual Plan C: This scheme consists of a 2-story, 12 classroom building adjacent
to the farm. There would be 8 classrooms on the ground floor and 4 on the second
floor. Second floor classrooms would open to a south facing green roof providing
associated green space for the second floor classrooms. First floor classrooms could
open to farm or associated green space. Costs of a 2-story building could be offset by
the advantage of not relocating the existing portables and students during construction.
An alternative for this scheme would have the green roof facing north, towards the
farm. This would allow more daylight on the farm but would shade the green roof.
fyi Conceptual Plan D: This scheme consists of a 2-story, 12 classroom building adjacent
to the farm. There would be 8 classrooms on the ground floor and 4 classrooms on the
second floor facing south. First floor classrooms are pulled away from corridor to
engage farm at exterior and create space for school group activity on interior.
fyi Conceptual Plan E: : This scheme consists of a 2-story, 12 classroom building
adjacent to the farm. There would be 6 classrooms on the ground floor and 6
classrooms on the second floor with a lobby on the northeast end of the building. This
lobby creates a link between the new and existing buildings.
GPA GPA to develop preferred 1-story scheme ‘B’ and preferred 2-story scheme ‘C’ with
further design investigation.
2.2 Daycare Location fyi/GPA Possibility of moving daycare portables to front of school near kindergarten wing. This
would allow the daycare to be accessible during non-school. This option could also
help alleviate drop-off congestion in the morning by limiting school access to the main
Ohlone Elementary School
January 8, 2009
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entrance only. GPA to investigate design options for reconfigured parking/drop-off
fyi With 2-story building scheme, daycare portables could be placed where the existing
classroom portables are currently located.
2.2 Classroom Layout fyi Possible layout scheme would be the “fat L”. This design would allow for pull-out/
workroom space set apart from teaching space.
fyi Storage is an element that should be integrated into the classroom design. This would
include storage for artwork and computers as well as closet space.
fyi Assisted listening devices in the classroom as preferred. A possible solution would be
a microphone for the teacher with speakers installed throughout the classroom. Palo
Verde School was mentioned as an example.
fyi Site Committee expressed desire for flexibility in technology within the classroom,
including smart boards, LCD projectors and wireless technology.
2.3 Site Visit fyi GPA and Ohlone Site Committee to tour Los Altos schools on 1/26/2009 at 3:00 pm.
End of Meeting Notes
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