Planning & Design Meetings Design Development Progress 8/21/2009 - Minutes
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450 Geary Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94102 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Design Development Progress
Meeting Date: August 21, 2009 / 3:30 pm
Location: Ohlone Elementary School
Those Present: Bill Overton, Ohlone Principal
Ashley McCrea, Ohlone Teacher
Martha Gates, Ohlone Teacher
Rick Ehrhorn, Ohlone Teacher
Nico Janik, Ohlone Parent
Ken Shark, Ohlone Parent
Susan Dansker, PACCC
Arnold Teten, Gilbane
Lori Alvarez, PAUSD
Lisa Gelfand, Gelfand Partners
Jorge Rico, Gelfand Partners
Steven Korovesis, Gelfand Partners
Ashley Drum, Gelfand Partners
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
2.1 Site Issues GPA New Classroom Building Location: The discovery of an existing box culvert
and electrical line easement has caused the new building footprint to shift
towards the soccer field. GPA to meet with DPW to confirm a final footprint
PAUSD Bike Racks: Bike rack location for 86 bikes is confirmed at the end of
Building A near the gate. PAUSD to provide district standard for bike racks.
PAUSD/GPA Trash Enclosure: GPA proposes to relocate the trash enclosure away from
the main pedestrian point of entry to behind the Multi-Use Building. PAUSD to
provide a contact at Waste Management and GPA will follow-up with
confirmation that this relocation is acceptable.
Fyi After School Program Portable: The proposed interim location for the After
School Program Portable is on the blacktop outside Building D. The Program
makes use of the schools restrooms but will require water & sewer
connections to serve the sinks in the portables. The proposed location will
also need to be reviewed by the local fire marshal as it impacts fire engine
PAUSD/Principal Contractor’s Construction Access: Bill Overton will contact neighbors
about the possibility of allowing the contractor to access the site through their
parking lot and shared gate. Otherwise, construction vehicle access will need
to occur within the site.
Fyi One additional portable to be added next summer.
2.2 New Building Envelope & Exterior
Fyi Daylighting Studies of the New Classroom Building: GPA presented
studies for daylighting performed on PG&E’s “Heliodon”, which replicates
solar orientation and provides the ability to view interior light levels at different
times of the day and year. This information is being used to adjust the design
to optimize natural lighting levels
Ohlone ES
August 24, 2009
Meeting Notes 2 of 2
GPA Shading Devices: GPA presented sketches showing canopies, shading fins,
projections and light wells developed since the recent schematic design
submittal. These elements will be further refined to balance natural light levels
and reduce late afternoon glare.
2.3 New Building Interior
GPA Classroom Layout: The classroom layout has not changed. GPA will
present interior elevations showing casework, tack walls, the learning wall etc.
GPA Hallway Surfaces: GPA to further develop hallway surfaces and present to
the site committee.
Hot Water: No hot water in classrooms per district standard
Fyi Data room: GPA met with the Districts IT Manager and confirmed the location
of a Data Room on the second floor near the south stair.
Fyi Second Floor Exiting: the second floor exits from the open walkway through
doors into stairwells. These stairwell doors are required by code to have panic
bars and to remain unlocked. Two additional pairs of doors have been added
at the ground floor to prevent entry into the Hallway or classrooms by people
accessing the open second floor walkway after hours.
2.4 Classroom Renovations
Fyi Improved Ventilation: Modernization to include improved ventilation through
low louvers and high operable windows, installation of 18’ learning walls and
new lighting.
Fyi Phones: Classrooms do have phones, typically near the Teachers desk. No
new phones will be installed.
Fyi Teaching Wall Location Confirmed. Teaching walls will be located at the
current marker board location.
2.5 Schedule Fyi Schedule: GPA plans on submitting to DSA in November followed by
approximately 5 months of review / time. The anticipated start of construction
is mid June 2010 with an estimated 12 to 14 months of construction.
End of Meeting Notes
These notes will be considered substantially correct and complete unless otherwise notified in writing within five
working days of receipt.
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