Planning & Design Meetings Ohlone Elementary School Building Committee 5/12/2009 - Minutes
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450 Geary Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94102 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Ohlone Elementary School Building Committee
Meeting Date: 04/17/09 12:30 PM
Location: Ohlone
Those Present: Susan Charles Principal, Ohlone
Nico Janik Ohlone Bldg Committee
Helen Paleologos OKC
Barbara Portman Ohlone Bldg Committee
Lori Alvarez PAUSD
Chris Duncan GPA
Steven Korovesis GPA
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
2.1 Day Care portables fyi GPA presented a recap of schematic design site plan to date, with possible locations
for the daycare portables next to building F at the location of the existing portables, and
in front of the school near the kindergartens at the drop-off area.
fyi/GPA Options presented were not desirable to Building Committee. GPA to investigate third
option where daycare portables are relocated to northwest corner of farm, with
additional farm space added on at south of existing farm boundary.
2.2 New Building fyi GPA presented schematic design of new classroom building to date.
fyi Connected covered walkways are preferred by committee on both north and south
facades of new building instead of separate tent structure.
fyi A green roof accessible to student activity is preferred.
fyi Open lobby space could be used for group projects or other activities.
fyi At flex room, a dedicated art prep area is not desired. Carpets are not desired in flex
room. Teaching wall, smartboard, tackable wall surface and storage casework are
preferred. Storage for laptop carts is desired. Permanent computer stations are not
2.3 Site fyi GPA presented reconfigured drop off scheme, showing dedicated space for
pedestrians and bicycle entry. Bike rack storage is desired near new building.
fyi Resurfacing red top area is desired by building committee.
fyi Existing trees in front of portable classrooms can be relocated to south side of site after
removal of portable classrooms.
fyi Small play structure in front of library will have to be moved for new building. It is
possible that DSA will not allow play structure to be relocated. Options are to
purchase new structure or construct alternate naturalistic play area.
End of Meeting Notes
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May 12, 2009