Planning & Design Meetings Ohlone Site Committee Meeting 2/24/2009 - Minutes
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450 Geary Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94102 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Ohlone Elementary School
March 3, 2009
Meeting Subject: Ohlone Site Committee Meeting
Meeting Date: February 24, 2009 at 4:30 PM
Location: Ohlone Elementary School
Those Present: Susan Charles Principal, Ohlone
Barbara Portman Ohlone Site Committee
Bill Overton Ohlone Site Committee
Nico Janik Ohlone Site Committee
Ken Shark Ohlone Site Committee
Lori Alvarez PAUSD
Thomas Hodges O’Connor/PAUSD
Chris Duncan GPA
Steven Korovesis GPA
Ashley Drum GPA
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
2.1 Community Meeting fyi GPA recapped the Community Meeting on February 5. Only one neighbor has voiced
concern about parents parking in front of his house during pickup and drop-off hours.
Susan would like to thank all of Ohlone’s neighbors for their support.
2.2 Commute Load Data fyi/GPA Nico Janik presented data on how students get to Ohlone. Approximately 50% of
students are driven and 50% have other means. 5% carpool. GPA to meet with John
Wilson, the traffic engineer for the project, to further discuss these issues.
2.3 Building Options fyi GPA presented the pros and cons of each building option.
fyi Option A: 2-story building by the farm. This option has a smaller footprint than the 1-
story which means it allows for more green space. It creates a strong connection
between the school and the farm. The current portables could stay in place during
construction which would limit the disturbance to students and staff. A 2-story option
would have a higher construction cost. There is also the option to locate the building
along the back fence and redwoods. This option can be discussed further after the
board recommendation.
fyi Option B: 1-story building in place of current portables. This option would allow for
higher classroom ceilings and more natural day lighting at the front of the classrooms.
It would have a lower construction cost than a 2-story option. This option would require
the current portables to be relocated during construction which would be included in
the total cost of the project.
fyi Option C: 2-story building by playground. This option would break up the large central
space by creating a more intimate courtyard between the new and existing buildings.
However, construction in the center of campus will be very difficult and disruptive to
students and staff.
fyi An additional option was discussed with (3) 1-story, 4 classroom buildings in the center
of the campus. This layout would create small courtyards between each of the new
buildings but would greatly reduce the overall open space.
2.4 Daycare Portables fyi/GPA In an effort to make the daycare portables more accessible to parents, Tom Hodges
proposed that the portables be moved toward the front of the farm along the fire lane.
This would reconfigure the farm to include additional space along the back fence of the
school. GPA to future investigate this option.
2.5 Budget fyi The current budget for the project is approximately $7 million.
fyi The current budget allows for a classroom size of 960 sf. This size is based on cost
and exit code issues.
2.6 Recommendations fyi The site committee recommended option A – a 2-story building located near the farm.
GPA to present this recommendation to the board.
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End of Meeting Notes
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