Planning & Design Meetings Community Mtg # 3 2/9/2009 - MinutesPage 1 of 4 A E D I S Architecture & Planning Meeting Notes 1494 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408.264.2000 – Fax 408.264.2500 PROJECT: Garland E.S. Renovation & Additions DATE: 2/09/09 MEETING: Community Mtg # 3 PLACE: Jordan MS - Library PROJECT NO: 28067.00 TIME: 6:30pm ATTENDEES: Bob Golton, (District Chief Business Official) Tom Hodges, (OCM) Gini Davis, (District Assistant Superintendent) Lori Alvarez, (OCM) John Lents, (Principal at Addison ES) Todd Walter, (AEDIS Principal) Michael O’Neill, (Principal at Briones ES) Mariana Alvarez-Parga (AEDIS) Neighbors & community members DISTRIBUTION: Attendees AEDIS, File Item # Notes 3.1 Introduction & Presentation: a. A summary of previous meeting was presented. Five new studies were shown to the community, two of which had been developed by neighbors and emailed to staff. b. Massing studies for the MP building were presented. Three types of roofs were analyzed: single roof, gable and saw tooth. These studies were shown for reference only and would further be developed during schematics and design development phases. 3.2 Option 7a a. MP building placed along California Ave for easy public access and defined entry plaza. It was reduced in size to allow more setbacks from California Ave. b. Flex Room was moved to the new classroom wing. Along with the addition of a restroom core on the first floor, allowed the two-story building to organize grades in groups of four classrooms. c. Admin offices to remain in current location with an expansion to make a total of 3,000 sf. d. Two additional Kindergarten classrooms are created next to the current ones. e. Library to be located at the end of one of the exiting one-story buildings. This will have an addition towards the front to allow a total space of 3,000 sf. f. Childcare Portable to be relocated. g. This layout is similar to the one presented at the last meeting. The only change is the reduction of the overall MP building. h. The new setback allows for a landscape buffer between the building and the street. i. Four parking spaces were placed at the front as well. j. This design addresses school functions very well. There is an entry feel with main spaces close to each other, classrooms are grouped in fours, SDCs are integrated with other classrooms, library and flex rooms are centrally located. PROJECT: Garland E.S. Renovation and Additions DATE: 02/09/09 MEETING: Community Mtg # 3 PROJECT NO: 28067.00 Page 2 of 4 3.3 Option 7b a. MP building still placed along California Ave but on the south end of the property, along Jordan MS fence. b. Drop off and parking to be re-laid at the front. c. Other program spaces as shown in Option 7a. d. Distance of travel from the farthest classroom is considerably longer than previous options. e. In order to maintain the required space for kindergarteners, the MP building is placed closer to the street than in Option 7a. f. This option is the least desirable in terms of traffic. The crosswalk at Barbara Dr would be very dangerous. g. All existing trees in the current parking lot would be lost if this option is pursued. h. This option shows what not to do. 3.4 Option 7c a. Entry plaza with Admin, library and MP building placed on the south end of the property by Jordan MS. b. Drop off and parking to be re-laid at the front. c. In order to allow space for the school entry plaza, the two-story wing was reduced by one classroom and existing kindergarten wing to be demolished and rebuilt. d. Existing Admin building to be converted into two classrooms. i. This layout presents difficulties as Option 7b in terms of traffic and existing trees being removed. e. It is more expensive as it requires demolishing the entire K-wing. 3.5 Option 7d – This option was sent via email by neighbors a. Maintains the entry plaza on the north end of the property. b. Library at the front instead of the MP building. c. Admin to remain in place and build a two classroom wing next two it on the side of California Ave. d. The K-wing will include two new K classroom and two other regular classrooms. e. MP building and childcare merged into one building and placed inside the campus next to Jordan MS fence. f. Two-story building reduced to ten classrooms (five per floor). j. Classrooms per grade are fragmented and this is not desirable. g. After hours access to MP building is narrow and away from entry plaza. h. Supervision behind and by the MP buildings is more difficult. i. Considerable reduction of play space by placing the MP inside the campus. 3.6 Option 7e – This option was sent via email by neighbors a. This option is identical to Option 7d except for the relocation of the Admin offices in the existing east-west oriented wing. This allows better sightlines for supervision. b. Existing admin offices to be converted into two classrooms. c. The “civic plaza” feel is lost as programs are placed far away. 3.7 MP Building - Q&A a. What would be the floor material in the MP room? We are in the conceptual phase. Generally VCT over concrete slab is used. Wood is seldom used. b. Define Food Service Food Service is provided to serve lunch for an average of 150 kids. Pizza days are more popular. It is paid and non-paid for certain kids, other kids bring their own lunch. Food is delivered from the District Central Kitchen (JLS campus), it is warmed up locally and served. The facility in the MP building will be just a warming kitchen with the ability of having speed lines to serve the food. Service is for lunch only, not for breakfast. c. Will there be buses to bring students to site? Bus service will be provided as in any other school in the District. PROJECT: Garland E.S. Renovation and Additions DATE: 02/09/09 MEETING: Community Mtg # 3 PROJECT NO: 28067.00 Page 3 of 4 d. Will the walls for the MP be made of concrete? At this stage of conceptual phase, we haven’t defined materials, but most likely would be a wood or light gauge frame over concrete slab. e. What are the height and interior dimensions of MP room? Could part of the building be depressed (below grade)? The MP building would be approximately 26 to 28 feet. For reference, the existing one is approximately 20 to 22 feet. We’ll have the interior space dimensions for the Board of Education presentation. Excavation and below grade construction is more expensive, also accessibility would be difficult to solve. f. What is the height of a 2-story house? The City height limitation is 30’. 20-22 feet may be for a 2-story height, but ridges of slope roofs go higher. The MP building would be lower than the allowed max height. g. Concerns about noise from MP. Music and band rehearsal usually happens in the flex room. 3.8 Miscellaneous Comments and Q&A a. What are SDCs? Special Education Classrooms b. Why keep Day Care? Day Care is provided in most of existing campus for before and after school hours. It is most used for after hours and there is currently a waiting list in many locations (25 kids waiting list at Addison). This program needs to remain. is for lunch only, not for breakfast. c. Will there be buses to bring students to site? Bus service will be provided as in any other school in the District. d. Some neighbors feel they’re being rushed; others appreciated the array of options presented. e. Some neighbors on Barbara Dr don’t feel as heard as those on Garland Dr side. They are still concerned about the size and height of the MP building. f. Commercial buildings are required a certain amount of parking. Why not for schools? Why not use open space in the campus for all the new buildings and provide more parking on the front. Also, the bike lane is on the wrong side of the street and more traffic will worsen the current situation Regulations for school have to do with the kids’ access and circulation. Open play space is regulated, parking is not. The District will work with the City on the important issue of traffic and pedestrian/bike safety. g. How much parking will be provided? Neighbors would like to see that there will be enough for staff including nurse, admin, librarian, custodial, etc. Parking in existing campus within the district range from 21 spaces to 48 spaces. This campus will in the higher end of this range. All spaces along the north fence will remain as well as the existing trees. h. It would be good to move the fence between Jordan MS and this campus to place the new buildings. There is currently a collaborative use with the City of Palo Alto for the use of Jordan MS fields. The City maintains the fields. It would be difficult to alter this. i. Some neighbors expressed that the fields at Jordan MS are not being used very frequently and this could be another reason to re-evaluate the area. j. It would be good to have a student per acre analysis. k. In terms of enrollment, is it true that City employees can enroll their kids in this District? No, City employees cannot enroll their kids in this District. District employees can. l. This site might not be large enough for this project. Could this school be a 3-strand instead of four? Enrollment projections are for 480 students. m. How large is Addison ES? It is a 3-acre site with a three and a half strand set up. h. Some neighbors recommend using Option 7e where MP bldg is close to the fields, others feel that Option 7a is the best design and that 7e lacks function for a school. PROJECT: Garland E.S. Renovation and Additions DATE: 02/09/09 MEETING: Community Mtg # 3 PROJECT NO: 28067.00 Page 4 of 4 3.9 Staff General Comments a. In other schools MP buildings were tucked inside the campuses and they do not work well. Access for parents during after school hour’s program is difficult. b. It is very important not to isolate Special Ed classrooms. c. Safety is the first priority and we are looking at the flow of kids. d. The design committee is looking at a layout that best delivers for the educational program. e. Addition, renovation and expansion are also planned for other schools in the District. Garland ES might not be fully occupied on the first day and could provide flexibility to other schools while construction in different sites. 3.10 Preliminary Schedule: Prelim Concept Plan Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents 50% Construction Documents 90% DSA submittal DSA Approval / Construction Documents 100% Bid Construction Occupancy December 2008 March to may 2009 June to August 2009 September to October 2009 October to December 2009 January 2010 April 2010 October to November 2010 November 2010 to February 2012 March 2012 3.11 Next Steps a. Progress update will be presented to the Board of Education on Feb. 10 at 6.30pm. Location: District Office, Board Meeting Room. b. Architects will develop Option 7d to present along with 7a to the Board. End of Meeting Notes This information is the understanding of AEDIS Architecture & Planning of the various items discussed and agreed upon during the meeting. Please contact the writer within five (5) days if there are any revisions and/or additions necessary to these meeting minutes.