Planning & Design Meetings Community Mtg # 2 2/2/2009 - MinutesPage 1 of 2
A E D I S Architecture & Planning Meeting Notes
1494 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408.264.2000 – Fax 408.264.2500
PROJECT: Garland E.S. Renovation & Additions DATE: 2/02/09
MEETING: Community Mtg # 2 PLACE: Jordan MS - Library
PROJECT NO: 28067.00 TIME: 6:30pm
ATTENDEES: Kevin Skelly (District Superintendent)
Bob Golton, (District Chief Business Official) Tom Hodges, (OCM)
Gini Davis, (District Assistant Superintendent) Lori Alvarez, (OCM)
John Lents, (Principal at Addison ES) Todd Walter, (AEDIS Principal)
Michael O’Neill, (Principal at Briones ES) Mariana Alvarez-Parga (AEDIS)
Neighbors & community members
Item # Notes
2.1 Introduction & Presentation:
a. A summary of first meeting was presented.
b. Option 7 was developed as a result of the community comments and meetings with the
design committee.
2.2 Option 7
a. MP building placed along California Ave for easy public access and defined entry plaza.
b. The library placed at the end of the existing north-south oriented classroom wing frames
the entry plaza directing visitors to the admin offices.
c. An addition to the admin building allows a total of 3,000 sf space. This also allows for clear
sightlines of supervision both to the entry and the play areas inside the campus.
d. A Flex room is placed in the MP.
e. Two additional Kindergarten classrooms are created next to the current ones.
f. A new two-story classroom wing is located adjacent to the existing north-south wing. The
classrooms are jogged in and out to allow natural light and ventilation enter the existing
covered walkway. This also provides indoor reading nooks and areas for outdoor
classroom activities. Stairs are placed at each end of the building and an elevator tower is
centrally placed along with a restroom core. Classroom on the first floor present access
both from the covered walkway created by the existing roof overhang and from the play
g. Childcare Portable to be relocated.
h. Two SDCs are paced on the first floor of the two-story wing.
i. Skylights on the existing roof overhang are proposed to maintain as much natural light as
j. North-facing clerestory windows on the second floor classrooms are provided for diffuse
and uniform daylighting. These windows to be operable for natural ventilation.
k. Lightshelves on the first floor classrooms are proposed to encourage daylighting.
l. Super insulated envelope, water efficiency fixtures, cool roofs, high efficiency mechanical
systems and high performance window and glazing systems are also proposed to improve
PROJECT: Garland E.S. Renovation and Additions
DATE: 02/02/09
MEETING: Community Mtg # 2
PROJECT NO: 28067.00
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indoor air quality.
m. Second floor balcony presents some wider areas for kids to gather.
n. This design addresses school functions very well. There is an entry feel with main spaces
close to each other, SDCs are integrated with other classrooms, library and flex rooms are
centrally located.
o. A preliminary massing study was presented to provide a sense of scale of the project.
2.3 General Comments
a. Neighbors on N. California Ave and Barbara Dr. are impacted by the location of the MP
building. Please locate where existing Childcare portable building is.
b. There are concerns about noise coming from the MP building. In other MP bldgs, windows
are often open and whistles and balls bouncing are heard from outside.
c. Smaller functions such as storage and restrooms were placed facing the street and this will
soften the noise coming from the MP room. Also, materials will be defined for the envelope
having in mind their acoustical properties.
d. More noise comes from the outdoor fields. Neighbors would like to have the school limit
the use of outdoor basketball courts during night time.
e. Traffic is a major concern given that this school is adjacent to Jordan MS. 1,100 students
at Jordan plus 480 at Garland will generate a lot of traffic.
f. Garland’s site is currently a private school with a lot of commuting parents. Garland will be
a neighborhood school and we anticipate much more pedestrian and bike traffic and that is
why the District is working with the Traffic Safety Committee along this process.
g. Staggered times should be implemented to reduce traffic impact.
h. Most of schools in the District have the MP bldgs at the front and they work very well for
the school program.
i. The District should evaluate the possibility of moving the fence between Garland MS and
Jordan MS.
j. Consideration should be taken for service access to the food service.
k. Some neighbors requested reducing the size of the MP room and not allowing athletic
activities in it to minimize noise source. Uses for the MP bldg should be defined as the
neighborhood might not be capable of accommodating many uses.
l. Studies to locate the MP against Jordan MS fence should be presented.
m. Other neighbors like this design and support recommendation to the Board of Education
on February 10th with the request of having noise mitigation addressed.
n. A requested was made to have new landscape along the fence with Garland Dr neighbors.
2.4 Preliminary Schedule:
Prelim Concept Plan
Schematic Design
Design Development
Construction Documents 50%
Construction Documents 90%
DSA submittal
DSA Approval / Construction Documents 100%
December 2008
March to may 2009
June to August 2009
September to October 2009
October to December 2009
January 2010
April 2010
October to November 2010
November 2010 to February 2012
March 2012
2.5 Next Steps
a. Progress update will be presented to the Board of Education on Feb. 10 at
6.30pm. Location: District Office, Board Meeting Room.
End of Meeting Notes
This information is the understanding of AEDIS Architecture & Planning of the various items discussed and
agreed upon during the meeting. Please contact the writer within five (5) days if there are any revisions
and/or additions necessary to these meeting minutes.