Planning & Design Meetings 12/5/2008 - Minutes (4)
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450 Geary Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94102 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Hoover
Meeting Date: 12-05-08, 8:00 AM
Location: Hoover
Those Present: Susanne Scott Principal, Hoover
Paul Stickney PAUSD
Lisa Gelfand GPA
Chris Duncan GPA
Steven Korovesis GPA
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
2.1 Scope/ Program fyi Hoover is currently a 3 stream school. Proposed bond measure would add 5
new classrooms and 1 flex room.
fyi Hoover is a choice school. It is on the opposite of the spectrum from Ohlone,
the other choice school in the district. Hoover is described as an "academic -
minded" choice school. Hoover was founded as an alternate school by
families who established guiding principles for the program. Progress reports
for students are provided every 2 weeks. There is constant communication
with parents.
fyi There are no instructional aides in the classrooms. Hoover has 2 literary
aides, 2 math aides, and 1 science aide which allows the teacher to maintain
the direction of the class. Parents are not directly in the classrooms with the
exception of the kindergartens.
fyi The arts are a priority at Hoover. There is 1 full time art teacher. A flexible
room with a wet area to serve the arts program would be desirable.
fyi The library is used for site council meetings. The size is sufficient, but there
are acoustic and thermal comfort problems. The mechanical system is noisy.
fyi Technology is paramount at Hoover. The campus is wireless. Storage for
new technology including laptops is desirable for the upper grades. 4th and
5th grade classrooms have smart boards and new sound systems.
fyi Picnic tables outside classrooms are used for small group work. "Fat L"
classroom layout for new classrooms would provide alcoves for small activity
and shared teacher areas. Spaces and Places by Debbie Diller is
recommended research for effective classroom solutions, including carpet
area for group instruction and "wet areas" with deep sinks for art activities.
fyi Usable outdoor areas are desirable at Hoover. There is a garden club on
campus. Many students attend after school programs indoors, so outdoor
time while at Hoover is emphasized. The sandbox is an important part of the
fyi Mechanical system of existing portable is noisy and irritates residential
neighbors across the street.
fyi Teachers lounge acts as a 'cafe' space for staff. Separate conference room is
used as a work area.
fyi New scheme must maintain visual supervision through entire play yard.
fyi There is a desire to keep public functions like MP room and flex room
centralized, and reserve instruction to the more private areas of campus.
PAUSD Capacity Study
December 5, 2008
Meeting Notes 2 of 2
2.2 Site Layout fyi New kindergarten classroom extending at existing kindergarten classrooms.
4 classrooms along Charleston to mitigate visual and audible traffic.
fyi New kindergarten classroom extending at existing kindergarten classrooms.
3 new classrooms next to kindergarten to form 5th grade cluster. 2 new
classrooms extend at Charleston to provide 4th grade cluster. There is
possibility of changing existing classroom into centrally located flex room.
fyi As part of the master plan, there is the possibility of converting the existing
MP room into administration offices, and demolishing the existing
administration office for a new, larger MP room.
End of Meeting Notes
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