Planning & Design Meetings 12/5/2008 - Minutes (3)
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450 Geary Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94102 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Fairmeadow
Meeting Date: 12-05-08, 10:00 AM
Location: Fairmeadow
Those Present: Eric Goddard Principal, Fairmeadow
Paul Stickney PAUSD
Lisa Gelfand GPA
Chris Duncan GPA
Steven Korovesis GPA
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
2.1 Scope/ Program fyi Fairmeadow is currently almost a 3 1/2 strand school with 475 enrollment.
Bond proposal would add 7 classrooms and 1 flex room to become 4 stream.
fyi An expanded MP room is desired with the increased enrollment.
fyi Maintaining supervision in the play yard is very important.
fyi Preserving the redwood trees is desired. It is possible to remove the lower
limbs from the redwoods to increase visibility across the campus.
fyi There are drainage issues on the black top and play area. Standing water is
common on the black top. Play area around the redwood trees is muddy.
Students play primarily on the black top.
fyi Library size is sufficient for campus, but layout would need to be improved.
fyi Jackson building is an isolated island from rest of campus.
fyi Fairmeadow has 3 special day program classrooms and a science program
housed in a portable behind one of the classroom wings.
fyi Doors between classrooms are desired to increase connectivity.
fyi A larger staff room and more storage are desired on the campus.
fyi Increased bicycle parking and landscape improvements at the main entrance
are desirable.
2.2 Site Layout fyi New 2 story 8 classroom building in U shape, to connect Jackson building
back into campus.
fyi New 1 story 4 classroom building in U shape to connect Jackson building
back into campus, New 1 story 4 classroom building in U shape by day care
for group of upper grade classrooms, to connect day care back into campus
and complete a loop. U shape allows existing redwoods to become center of
" courtyard" area for each grade of classrooms.
fyi There is a possibility of adding another 3 classrooms to increase to 4 1/2
strand school. Add another new 1 story 3 classroom building in L shaped
formation next to new U shaped classroom wing.
fyi As part of larger master plan, there is the possibility of expanding the MP
room by removing adjacent portable and increasing size of MP room.
End of Meeting Notes
These notes will be considered substantially correct and complete unless otherwise notified in writing within five
working days of receipt.
PAUSD Capacity Study
December 5, 2008