Planning & Design Meetings 12/5/2008 - Minutes (2) 1 of 2 450 Geary Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94102 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103 mail@gelfand-partners.com www.gelfand-partners.com Meeting Notes Project: Project No: Date: Meeting Subject: El Carmelo Meeting Date: 12-05-08, 2:00 PM Location: El Carmelo Those Present: Chuck Merritt Principal, El Carmelo Paul Stickney PAUSD Lisa Gelfand GPA Chris Duncan GPA Steven Korovesis GPA The following new items were discussed: New Items Action By ITEM 2.1 Scope/ Program fyi Proposed scope of work for bond includes 1 new classroom and 1 flex room. fyi Current enrollment is 3 strand, 24 students per class. fyi El Carmelo is a Title 1 school, including English language learners and low income students. fyi Special programs are pull out ‘extensions’ for excelling students, and ‘interventions’ for struggling students. Math lab extension is run by parents. Parents are encouraged to be involved in the classroom. Extensions and interventions are typically 1 adult per 4 students. fyi There is an express need for more meeting space and more storage space on campus. fyi There is a desire to increase the size of the kindergarten play area. There are currently no bathrooms at any of the existing kindergartens. fyi Play yards can be reconsidered to include less structured areas. Current black top activity includes tetherball, kickball, handball, and 4 square. Soccer and football are played on the field. fyi Kindergartens have gardens at exterior street side. fyi Kindergarten has a different recess time. Kindergarten has recess at same time as 1 – 2 grade lunch. 2.2 Site Layout fyi Possible scheme for new work includes new centrally located flex room and new kindergarten classroom extending off existing kindergarten classrooms. Limited supervision becomes and issue with location of flex room. fyi Possible scheme for new work includes new flex room at admin / 2nd grade classroom. Location is more desirable. New classroom extends off 3rd grade classroom. fyi Possible scheme for new work includes new flex room at admin / 2nd grade classroom. Location is more desirable. New classroom is centrally located. Modular or prefab building would be considered to construct in difficult classroom location. End of Meeting Notes PAUSD Capacity Study 0820 December 5, 2008 Meeting Notes 2 of 2 These notes will be considered substantially correct and complete unless otherwise notified in writing within five working days of receipt.