Planning & Design Meetings 12/4/2008 - Minutes (2)
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450 Geary Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94102 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Duveneck
Meeting Date: 12-04-08, 12:00 PM
Location: Duveneck
Those Present: Kathleen Meagher Principal, Duveneck
Paul Stickney PAUSD
Lisa Gelfand GPA
Chris Duncan GPA
Steven Korovesis GPA
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
2.1 Scope/ Program fyi Proposed scope of work for bond includes 6 new classrooms, library
expansion, and 1 flex room.
fyi Current enrollment is 493 students, 4 strand. There is no room for increased
fyi 4th and 5th grade classrooms are currently separated by a resource room.
There is a desire to keep these grade levels together.
fyi Kindergartens should be located next to each other. Individual restrooms in
each kindergarten are preferred.
fyi Some classrooms have second doors to exterior gardens. Currently these
exterior areas are not being utilized. Extending the learning area into these
areas is a possibility.
fyi Parking is a problem at the campus. There is a need for a clarified drop off
area. Current drop off areas are too close to existing street intersections.
fyi Increasing the size of the library is a priority for the scope. A centrally located
library is desired.
fyi Access to day care is primarily through main entrance. Currently day care
and school share play area. Day care is after school only, starting at 11:45
a.m. for kindergarteners and going until 6 p.m.
fyi There is one recess. Kindergarten has a slightly longer recess. There is one
lunch on campus.
fyi There is a need for a staff room / meeting lounge area. Entire staff cannot fit
in current lounge. A new library could serve as the meeting place.
fyi There is a desire to consolidate the kindergartens and kindergarten play area.
fyi There is a desire to consolidate each grade level.
fyi Bicycle parking is not necessarily an issue.
fyi West facing classroom wing gets too hot.
2.2 Site Layout fyi Possible scheme for new work includes new centrally located library and
converting current library to 2 classrooms, with 2 new classrooms at the north
east corner and 2 rooms extending off the kindergarten classrooms.
fyi Possible scheme for new work includes new centrally located library and
converting current library to 2 classrooms, with 4 new classrooms extending
perpendicularly off the kindergarten classrooms.
PAUSD Capacity Study
December 4, 2008
Meeting Notes 2 of 2
fyi Possible scheme for new work includes new centrally located MP room and
converting current MP room to library, with 4 new classrooms extending
perpendicularly off the kindergarten classrooms, and 2 classrooms extending
off the kindergarten.
End of Meeting Notes
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