Planning & Design Meetings 12/14/2008 - Minutes
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450 Geary Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94102 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: Barron Park
Meeting Date: 12-12-08, 4:00 PM
Location: Barron Park
Those Present: Cathy Howard Principal, Barron Park
Lori Alvarez PAUSD
Paul Stickney PAUSD
Chris Duncan GPA
Lisa Gelfand GPA
Steven Korovesis GPA
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
2.1 Scope/ Program fyi Bond work for Barron Park consists of 3classrooms replacing existing portables on site
and 1 flex classroom.
fyi Barron Park is a 3 strand school with 2 special day classes.
fyi Barron Park has 350 students and is the only campus with a pre-school program.
Barron Park has the largest ELD population in the district and has a special day class
for autistic students.
fyi Matadero Creek and redwood trees are important site features on campus. The creek
is used by 4th grade classes for science activities. The creek is used by 1st grade
classes for writing and aesthetic activities.
fyi Science resource center is no longer located on campus.
fyi It is preferred to place the flex room near the MP room.
fyi One possibility is turning the third kindergarten classroom into a full kindergarten
classroom with a separate restroom.
fyi There have not been recent flood problems on campus. Matadero Creek was close to
cresting a few years ago.
fyi The library has daylighting problems. The shades are drawn most of the time.
fyi Diversity is an important aspect of the Barron Park campus.
fyi Barron Park receives Title 1 funds for a reading specialist.
fyi 20 – 30 overflow students are spread throughout various grade levels.
2.2 Site Layout fyi Possible scheme would add 1 flex room and 1 classroom at existing 4th and 5th grade
classrooms. 2-classroom building would be located at existing 1st and 3rd grade
fyi Possible scheme would add 1 flex room at MP room and 1 classroom at existing 4th
and 5th grade classrooms. 2-classroom building would be located at existing 1st and 3rd
grade classrooms.
fyi Possible scheme would add 1 flex room at MP room and 1 classroom at existing 4th
and 5th grade classrooms. 2-classroom building would be located at existing 4th and
5th grade classrooms.
fyi Possible scheme would add 1 flex room at MP room and 2 classrooms at existing 4th
and 5th grade classrooms. 1 classroom would be located at existing 1st grade
classrooms along creek.
End of Meeting Notes
These notes will be considered substantially correct and complete unless otherwise notified in writing within five working days of
PAUSD Capacity Study
December 14, 2008