Planning & Design Meetings PAUSD Elementary Projects Meeting 3/13/2009 - Minutes
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450 Geary Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94102 tel 415.346.4040 fax 415.346.4103
Meeting Notes
Project No:
Meeting Subject: PAUSD Elementary Projects
Meeting Date: 3-11-08, 9:00 AM
Location: GPA
Those Present: Bob Golton PAUSD
Lori Alvarez PAUSD
Tom Hodges O’Connor/PAUSD
Lisa Gelfand GPA
Chris Duncan GPA
Steven Korovesis GPA
Ashley Drum GPA
The following new items were discussed:
New Items Action By ITEM
2.1 Bond Schedule fyi GPA proposed the following schedule for the elementary school bond work:
First Round:
- Modernization and new building work at Ohlone and Garland campuses.
- Modernization and new building work at campuses slated to have new
libraries or library expansions. (Duveneck, Hoover, Addison)
Second Round:
- Modernization work only at all remaining campuses.
Third Round:
- Revisit campuses from second round for new building work from portable
replacement / growth.
- All work at Greendell. (not included in bond $)
fyi PAUSD had concerns about proposed sequence favoring schools in North. It
is preferred that schools in the South or West be started earlier in the bond
program. GPA noted that by doing modernizations first, every school in the
district would have some work from bond started by summer of 2010.
PAUSD/GPA PAUSD/GPA to develop a financial allocation plan for the remaining bond
work. GPA/PAUSD to meet at 4pm before board meeting on March 17.
2.2 Modernization PAUSD/GPA GPA proposed lighting replacement / improvement work as a priority for
modernization work at all campuses. PAUSD noted that lighting replacement
was done at some campuses last summer, with more planned for this
summer. PAUSD to provide information on schools scheduled to receive
lighting replacement this summer. GPA noted that an improved lighting
scheme would provide balanced light levels with fewer lamps, reducing
operating costs. GPA to look at payback period for new lighting.
fyi GPA proposed improved ventilation as a priority for modernization work at all
campuses. GPA noted that the focus should be on improving comfort in the
classrooms instead of across the board window replacement.
2.3 PVs fyi GPA proposed that any new building roofs at elementary campuses be
capable of supporting PVs. It is not recommended to retrofit existing roofs to
support PVs.
fyi/GPA GPA proposed constructing a shade structure at each campus with PVs. This
would provide a visibility / education component and allow one classroom at
PAUSD Capacity Study
March 13, 2009
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each campus to be taken off the grid by the power generated. GPA to provide
per KW cost for PVS.
fyi/PAUSD PAUSD to conduct structural assessment of existing campuses to determine
which schools can handle more or less PVs.
PAUSD PAUSD to investigate deal with Palo Alto power utility for possible real estate
lease for PV power generation.
fyi It is unclear how the funding for the PVs would be allocated from the current
bond program, because it has been divided into elementary, middle, and high
school measures. Any operating costs saved at the elementary schools
would benefit the entire district.
2.4 Learning Walls fyi GPA proposed that learning walls be installed in 1 classroom each, at three
separate campuses this summer, to allow feedback for future learning walls in
the rest of campus. GPA proposed selecting two pilot schools with L-shaped
layouts and seismic retrofits, Duveneck and Briones, along with a third school,
fyi/PAUSD PAUSD to select which campuses and classrooms will be part of the summer
learning wall project. GPA recommended selecting least one primary grade
classroom and at least one upper grade classroom. PAUSD to provide
selection to GPA by 3-13-09.
fyi/PAUSD PAUSD noted that some campuses are leased for summer school. PAUSD
to find out which campuses are leased in summer, and provide to GPA.
fyi GPA proposed different locations for learning walls in each of the three pilot
classrooms: centered on the wall, off-center on the wall, and in place of
existing casework on the opposite wall.
fyi GPA proposed a 6’ module for the learning wall, with options for marker
board, smart board, tack board, and a vertical storage closet.
2.5 Libraries fyi GPA presented concepts for library work at Addison, Hoover, Hays and
fyi/GPA GPA presented revised concept for bond work at Addison with stand-alone
library in corner instead of new classroom building. This location would be
both visible and accessible to the community. The existing library would be
converted to a flex room. PAUSD had concerns that the existing library was
too large to be a flex room. GPA to look at current daycare location as
possible location for new library.
fyi GPA proposed that existing MP room at Duveneck be converted into library,
and then build a new MP room.
fyi GPA proposed converting existing library at Hoover into two classrooms and
construct a new library.
fyi GPA proposed addressing the layouts of the kindergarten classrooms with
work on the new library at Hays.
End of Meeting Notes
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