Monthly Reports 2016-03 (Mar) Page | 1 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Through March 2016 Strong Schools Bond Capital Improvement Projects Prepared by fs3|Hodges Page | 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary page 3 Attachment 1 – Consolidated Expenditure Report Capital Projects Gunn High School – Central Building Project page 6 Palo Alto High School – Performing Arts Center page 7 Palo Alto High School – Science Building Addition page 8 Palo Alto High School – Indoor PE and Athletic Facilities page 9 Palo Alto High School – Building 500 Renovation page 10 Completed Capital Projects Gunn High School – New Classroom Building and World Languages Building page 11 Gunn High School – New Gymnasium page 12 Gunn High School – Existing Gymnasium Modernization page 13 Gunn High School – E and K (L31 and MS) Buildings Renovation page 14 Gunn High School – Traffic Signal Replacement (Phase I- Improvements) page 15 Palo Alto High School – Athletic Stadium Improvements page 16 Palo Alto High School – Haymarket and Tower Building Improvements page 17 Palo Alto High School – New Classroom Building and Media Arts page 18 Jordan Middle School page 19 J.L. Stanford Middle School page 20 J.L. Stanford Middle School – Landscape and Site Improvements page 21 Terman Middle School page 22 Duveneck Elementary School – New Classroom Buildings and Modernization page 23 Fairmeadow Elementary School – New Classroom Buildings and Modernization page 24 Ohlone Elementary School page 25 Property Acquisition – 525 San Antonio Rd page 26 Jordan Middle School – Interim Classrooms page 27 Gunn High School – Air Conditioning of Existing Buildings page 28 J.L. Stanford Middle School – Interim Classrooms page 29 Fairmeadow Elementary School – Portable Relocation page 30 Elementary Classroom Improvements – Interactive Whiteboard & Sound Assist System page 31 Palo Alto High School – Multi-use Field page 32 Gunn High School – Industrial Arts Renovation page 33 Gunn High School – Aquatic Center page 34 Middle School Pre-Design page 35 Technology page 36 Inactive Capital Projects Garland Elementary School page 37 High School Master Plan page 38 Hoover Elementary School page 39 Page | 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CURRENT CAPITAL PROJECTS Gunn High School – Central Building Project DLM has submitted construction documents to DSA on February 15th after authorization by the Board. Staff is completing their scope and constructability reviews in April. DLM is in the process of updating their cost estimate. The MDF Relocation make-ready project is in DSA backcheck, and new fiber will be pulled from each building to the new location over spring break. Staff is soliciting bids for the Custodian shed and trash/recycling center relocation. Gelfand Partners submitted construction documents to DSA for the portable renovation and relocation work for interim housing, and are awaiting comments back. Palo Alto High School – Performing Arts Center (PAC) Alten Construction has completed floor and ceiling finishes throughout the building, and installation of the seating is in progress. Paver installation in the plaza area and the trellis area is now complete, and landscaping work is in progress. Interior finish work, including casework installation, electrical and plumbing finish, toilet partitions and accessories is also nearly complete. Substantial completion is anticipated to occur on May 1. Testing and commissioning of AV and sound systems is also in progress. Staff is ordering additional audio-visual equipment, drapes and production lighting for installation over the summer break, in time for occupancy in August 2016. Palo Alto High School – Science Building Addition The project schedule has been suspended to coincide with completion of construction of the new gymnasium, due to space constraints and access to the site. Design work will resume after DLM submits the Gunn Central Building project to DSA for review. Palo Alto High School – Indoor PE and Athletic Facilities Vance Brown will mobilize a crane for steel erection to begin on April 18. Steel roof trusses will first be welded together in place, due to the length of the trusses. The basement walls have been completely backfilled around the eastern portion of the gym. The basement slab on grade was poured last week, with grade level grade beams for the perimeter walls on the western portion of the gym. Exterior waterproofing of basement walls and backfill of walls is in progress around this portion of the site. Steel erection for this area will follow the eastern half. The crane will remain through the end of April. Palo Alto High School – Building 500 Renovation (Library) DLM has submitted construction documents to DSA for review on December 19. Paly site staff decided to postpone construction on the Library project until the Gym project is complete, allowing staff to move into their final locations when the Gymnasium is complete and PE/Athletics has vacated the 700 building. DLM has submitted an estimate for the project, which is slightly over budget. Staff is reviewing the costs and design with DLM to look at cost savings of approximately 5%. COMPLETED CAPITAL PROJECTS Gunn High School – New Classroom Building and World Languages Building The new Math and English Building was occupied by staff and students on August 15, 2013. World Language Building classrooms were occupied in February, 2013. Gunn High School – New Gymnasium The new gymnasium was occupied on June 7, 2013 and PE classes were held in the new gym on August 15, 2013. The tennis courts were completed August 27, 2013. Page | 4 Gunn High School – Existing Gymnasium Modernization The modernized Bow gym was occupied by the campus on November 4, 2013. Gunn High School – E and K (L-31 and MS) Buildings Renovation Students occupied E and K buildings on August 13, 2014, and building E was occupied on September 15, 2014. Gunn High School –Traffic Signal Replacement (Phase I - Parking and Drop-Off Improvements) Columbia Electric installed the new traffic signal pole at Arastradero and Miranda Ave. and wiring has been completed. Concrete sidewalk work was also done in late July. Final landscape improvements were completed in August, and the first phase of this project is now complete. Palo Alto High School – Athletics Stadium Improvements The concessions building, track re-surfacing, new ornamental fence, signage and entry lighting were completed for the 2013 football season. Palo Alto High School – Haymarket and Tower Building Improvements All Trusty Builders completed the installation of the new windows on August 9, 2013. Palo Alto High School – New Math/Social Sciences Building and Media Arts Building Move in and occupancy of both buildings occurred in July 2014. Taisei has completed their work, and contract closeout is complete, with DSA closeout in progress. Jordan Middle School Students occupied all new and modernized buildings in fall 2013. J.L. Stanford Middle School Students occupied all new and modernized buildings in fall 2013. J.L. Stanford Middle School – Landscape and Sitework Improvements Scapes completed the project on schedule in the fall 2013. Terman Middle School Students occupied the new instructional spaces and modernized buildings in fall 2013. The cafetorium modernization was completed in October 2013. Duveneck Elementary School – New Classroom Buildings and Modernization All buildings were substantially complete and occupied on August 11, 2014. Fairmeadow Elementary School – New Classroom Building and Modernization Students occupied all new and modernized buildings in fall 2013. 525 San Antonio Road – Site Acquisition This site has been leased to Athena Academy. Ohlone Elementary School – New Classroom Building and Modernization Students occupied the new building on January 3, 2012. Jordan Middle School - Interim Classrooms The portables were installed and moved into for fall 2011. DSA closeout received November 19, 2012. Page | 5 Gunn High School – Air Conditioning of Existing Buildings Best Contracting Services Inc. completed the installation of air conditioning units and roofing in the summer 2011. J.L. Stanford Middle School - Interim Classrooms Coulter Construction completed the work on the relocated portables in August 2011. Fairmeadow Elementary School – Portable Relocation Relocation of the portable was complete and occupied on August 8, 2011. Elementary Classroom Improvements – Installation of Interactive Whiteboards and Sound Assist Systems Installation of SmartBoards and Lightspeed sound assist systems were completed for all elementary school classrooms and libraries in April 2011. Palo Alto High School – Multi-use Field The fields were available for play on February 1, 2011, and the project was completed on March 9, 2011. Gunn High School – Industrial Arts Addition & Renovation This facility was available for instruction in January 2010. DSA closeout received on July 18, 2011. Gunn High School – Aquatic Center This facility was available for use in July 2009, and has been closed out with DSA. Middle Schools Pre-Design – Jordan, J.L. Stanford and Terman These projects for pre-design work have been closed. Technology Equipment orders have arrived and were deployed to the various campuses for use during the 2014/15 school year. INACTIVE CAPITAL PROJECTS Garland Elementary School Renovation The Board of Education has put new development for Garland on hold until a growth plan is established for the elementary schools. High School Master Plan The Board of Education (BOE) approved the master plans for both high schools, and these projects have been closed. Hoover Elementary School – Pre-Design This project has been put on hold until a growth plan is established for the elementary schools. Board Items in March March 8 Discussion 6: Approval of Paint Gunn HS Project, Budget, and Authorization to Bid Action 7: Addison Project Donation, Preconstruction Budget and Contracts March 22 Action Item 11: Approval of Paint Gunn HS Project, Budget, and Authorization to Bid Discussion Item 12: Modification of Gunn Portables to Accommodate Music Classrooms Discussion Item 13: Authorization to Seek Bid for Summer Maintenance Projects Action Item 14: Award of Contract for the Gunn Lighting Project Discussion Item 15: Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of the Next Series of Strong Schools Bonds A B C C / A B - C C / B A - B Measure A Fund Gunn High School - High School Master Plan 172,390 166,328 147,706 85.7%18,622 88.80%6,062 Gunn High School 1 - Aquatic Center 4,862,530 4,862,530 4,862,530 100.0%0 100.00%0 Gunn High School 2 - I.A Building 5,065,128 5,065,128 5,065,128 100.0%0 100.00%0 Gunn High School 3 - AD2- close out 5,777 5,777 5,777 100.0%0 100.00%0 Gunn High School 4 - New classroom Buildings 24,808,489 24,773,686 24,773,686 99.9%0 100.00%34,803 Gunn High School 5 - Parking & Drop Off improvements 3,939,998 2,136,290 1,742,712 44.2%393,578 81.58%1,803,708 Gunn High School 6- New/Auxiliary Gymnasium 12,450,948 12,450,948 12,440,998 99.9%9,950 99.92%0 Gunn High School 7- A/C 2,092,366 2,092,366 2,092,366 100.0%0 100.00%0 Gunn High School 8 - MS & L-31 Buildings 1,629,176 1,600,418 1,599,266 98.2%1,152 99.93%28,758 Gunn High School 9 - Central building 21,084,277 1,808,708 1,177,902 5.6%630,806 65.12%19,275,569 Gunn High School - Reserved 7,193,735 0 0 0.0%0 0.00%7,193,735 Palo Alto High Schools - High School Master Plan 172,999 167,759 161,616 93.4%6,143 96.34%5,240 Palo Alto High School 1 - Stadium Field 4,758,037 4,758,037 4,758,037 100.0%0 100.00%0 Palo Alto High School 2 - Multi-Use Field (Multi-Fund)2,609,680 2,609,680 2,609,680 100.0%0 100.00%0 Palo Alto high School 3 - New classroom & Media Art Building 36,938,516 36,813,434 36,808,334 99.6%5,100 99.99%125,082 Palo Alto High School 4 - New Theater 29,370,049 28,059,578 24,593,866 83.7%3,465,712 87.65%1,310,471 Palo Alto High School 5 - Haymarket and Tower Admin. Building 1,260,933 1,260,933 1,260,933 100.0%0 100.00%0 Palo Alto High School 6- Science Addition 5,532,205 929,613 623,924 11.3%305,689 67.12%4,602,592 Paly 7- Paly Athletic Center (Two Funds)17,671,555 16,710,950 14,024,461 79.4%2,686,489 83.92%960,605 Paly 8 Library 10,394,140 999,425 595,479 5.7%403,946 59.58%9,394,715 Palo Alto High School - Reserved 3,000,000 0 0 0.0%0 0.00%3,000,000 Jordan Middle School -Program Management- MS Pre-Design 17,826 17,826 17,826 100.0%0 100.00%0 Jordan Middle Schools 1- Interim Classrooms 488,033 488,033 488,033 100.0%0 100.00%0 Jordan Middle School 2- Improvements 19,109,345 18,947,062 18,947,062 99.2%0 100.00%162,283 J.L.S Middle School - Program Management- MS Pre-Design 18,408 18,408 18,408 100.0%0 100.00%0 J.L.S Middle School 1 - Interim Classrooms 422,500 422,500 422,500 100.0%0 100.00%0 J.L.S Middle School 2- Improvements 15,670,128 15,535,784 15,535,784 99.1%0 100.00%134,344 Terman Middle School - Program Management- MS Pre-Design 18,423 18,423 18,423 100.0%0 100.00%0 Terman Middle School 1- Improvements 13,051,488 13,003,128 13,003,128 99.6%0 100.00%48,360 PAUSD Elementary Schools - Program Management- Elem. Growth Plan 308,000 98,480 92,290 30.0%6,190 93.71%209,520 Addison Elementary School 1-Phase I 21,267 21,267 21,267 100.0%0 100.00%0 Duveneck Elementary School 1-Phase I 9,277,534 9,230,004 9,230,004 99.5%0 100.00%47,530 Garland Elementary School 1- Phase I 22,178,544 280,113 280,113 1.3%0 100.00%21,898,431 Fairmeadow Elementary School 1- Phase I 7,656,720 7,590,192 7,584,172 99.1%6,020 99.92%66,528 Hoover Elementary School 1-Phase I 57,165 57,165 57,165 100.0%0 100.00%0 Ohlone Elementary School 1- Phase I 10,556,389 10,528,254 10,528,254 99.7%0 100.00%28,135 Elementary Schools 1 - Elementary Classroom Improvements 1,879,695 1,879,695 1,879,695 100.0%0 100.00%0 Elementary Schools - Reserved 38,242,967 0 0 0.0%0 0.00%38,242,967 PAUSD - Program Management 14,507,468 11,969,179 11,182,050 77.1%787,129 93.42%2,538,289 PAUSD - Technology 10,485,056 9,786,362 9,766,513 93.1%19,849 99.80%698,694 PAUSD - Technology -Reserved 3,422,312 0 0 0.0%0 0.00%3,422,312 PAUSD - Reserved 0 0 0 #DIV/0!0 0.00%0 525 San Antonio -Property Acquisition 8,500,000 8,500,000 8,500,000 100.0%0 100.00%0 Transfer out to Planned Maintenance Fund*17,758,557 17,758,557 17,758,557 100.0%0 100.00%0 Bond Issuance Cost 2,530,220 2,530,220 2,530,220 100.0%0 100.00%0 Measure A Fund Total 391,190,973 275,952,239 267,205,864 8,746,375 115,238,734 * Planned Maintenance Fund Total 6,544,973 4,005,706 3,495,404 53.4%510,302 2,539,267 *$17,758,557 transfer from Measure A fund to Planned Maintenance fund was done during FY 2013-14 .The budget for Planned maintenance fund will be increased about $2 M every year in 9 years. Prepared by: Business Services Department based on QSS accounting System Expenditures Budget BalanceCommittedBudgetSchool Name - Project Name Percent of Budget Expended Palo Alto Unified School District Strong Schools Bond 3/31/2016 Percent of Expended Contract Balance Page | 6 Gunn High School Central Building Project A. PROJECT STATUS DLM has submitted construction documents to DSA on February 15th after authorization by the Board. Staff is completing their scope and constructability reviews in April. DLM is in the process of updating their cost estimate. The MDF Relocation make-ready project is in DSA backcheck, and new fiber will be pulled from each building to the new location over spring break. Staff is soliciting bids for the Custodian shed and trash/recycling center relocation. Gelfand Partners submitted construction documents to DSA for the portable renovation and relocation work for interim housing, and are awaiting comments back. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 5.5 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  DLM submitted construction documents to DSA on February 15th, 2016. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $21,087,277 Other Funding $0 Total $21,087,277 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $3,237,823 Construction & Equipment $17,649,454 Soft Costs Contingency $200,000 Total $19,374,242 Percent of Budget Expended 5.6% Current Phase: DSA Review Schedule: Architect Contract (2) March 31, 2009 BOE Approval April 14, 2009 Conceptual Design (2) February 25, 2014 BOE Approval March 11, 2014 Schematic Design (2) June 3, 2014 BOE Approval June 17, 2014 BOE Approval of Program Change December 9, 2014 Submit to DSA February 15, 2016 Authorize to Bid (2) August 23, 2016* BOE Approval September 13, 2016* Approval by DSA August 1, 2016* Bid Opening October 1, 2016* Award of Contract (1) October 11, 2016* Notice to Proceed November 1, 2016* Substantial Completion March 15, 2018* * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 7 Palo Alto High School Performing Arts Center (PAC) A. PROJECT STATUS Alten Construction has completed floor and ceiling finishes throughout the building, and installation of the seating is in progress. Paver installation in the plaza area and the trellis area is now complete, and landscaping work is in progress. Interior finish work, including casework installation, electrical and plumbing finish, toilet partitions and accessories is also nearly complete. Substantial completion is anticipated to occur on May 1. Testing and commissioning of AV and sound systems is also in progress. Staff is ordering additional audio-visual equipment, drapes and production lighting for installation over the summer break, in time for occupancy in August 2016. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 4.11 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  Construction is proceeding within budget, with anticipated completion scheduled for May 1, 2016, with occupancy planned for August 2016. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $29,370,049 Other Funding $0 Total $29,370,049 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $4,377,871 Construction & Equipment $24,845,000 Soft Costs Contingency $147,178 Total $29,370,049 Percent of Budget Expended 83.7% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $2,184,400  Remaining Contingency Balance $1,351,810 Percent of Changes 3.8% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Current Phase: Construction Schedule: Architect Contract (2) March 31, 2009 BOE Approval April 14, 2009 Conceptual Design (2) June 1, 2010 BOE Approval June 22, 2010 Schematic Design (3) June 14, 2011 BOE Approval December 13, 2011 BOE Approval January 17, 2012 Submit to DSA March 28, 2013 Approval by DSA January 16, 2014 Authorize to Bid (2) January 14, 2014 BOE Approval January 28, 2014 Bid Opening May 13, 2014 Award of Contract (1) June 3, 2014 Notice to Proceed June 23, 2014 Substantial Completion April 15, 2016* Planned Occupancy August 1, 2016* * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 8 Palo Alto High School Science Building Addition A. PROJECT STATUS The project schedule has been suspended to coincide with completion of construction of the new gymnasium, due to space constraints and access to the site. Design work will resume after DLM submits the Gunn Central Building project to DSA for review. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 4.1 - 4.3 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  Design development will resume in spring of 2016. Construction will not begin until after completion of the Gymnasium project. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $5,532,204 Other Funding $0 Total $5,532,204 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $60,309 Contracts & Services $842,825 Construction & Equipment $4,628,294 Soft Costs Contingency $776 Total $5,532,204 Percent of Budget Expended 11.3% Current Phase: On Hold Schedule: Architect Contract (2) March 12, 2013 BOE Approval March 19, 2013 Conceptual Design (2) March 12, 2013 BOE Approval March 19, 2013 Schematic Design (2) September 10, 2013 BOE Approval October 8, 2013 Submit to DSA On Hold Authorize to Bid (2) BOE Approval Approval by DSA Bid Opening Award of Contract (1) Notice to Proceed Substantial Completion Planned Occupancy * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 9 Palo Alto High School Indoor PE and Athletic Facilities A. PROJECT STATUS Vance Brown will mobilize a crane for steel erection to begin on April 18. Steel roof trusses will first be welded together in place, due to the length of the trusses. The basement walls have been completely backfilled around the eastern portion of the gym. The basement slab on grade was poured last week, with grade level grade beams for the perimeter walls on the western portion of the gym. Exterior waterproofing of basement walls and backfill of walls is in progress around this portion of the site. Steel erection for this area will follow the eastern half. The crane will remain through the end of April. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 4.1 - 4.3 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  Basement wall construction nearly complete, with steel erection commencing in April. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $17,671,555 Other Funding (Deseret Trust Co.) $23,443,720 Total $41,671,555 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $2,991,039 Construction & Equipment $38,500,516 Soft Costs Contingency $180,000 Total $41,671,555 Percent of Budget Expended * 79.4% (Above % of budget expended is against bond funds of $17,671,555) Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $1,822,167  Remaining Contingency Balance $1,783,416  Percent of Changes 0.11% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives. Original Contract) Current Phase: Construction Schedule: Architect Contract (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Conceptual Design (2) March 12, 2013 BOE Approval March 19, 2013 Schematic Design (2) September 10, 2013 BOE Approval October 8, 2013 Submit to DSA December 4, 2013 Re-Submit to DSA January 27, 2014 Approval by DSA September 22, 2014 Lease Leaseback Agreement (1) May 26, 2015 Award of LLB Contract (1) June 23, 2015 Notice to Proceed August 1, 2015 Substantial Completion March 15, 2017* Planned Occupancy April 1, 2017* * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 10 Palo Alto High School Building 500 Renovation (Library) A. PROJECT STATUS DLM has submitted construction documents to DSA for review on December 19. Paly site staff decided to postpone construction on the Library project until the Gym project is complete, allowing staff to move into their final locations when the Gymnasium is complete and PE/Athletics has vacated the 700 building. DLM has submitted an estimate for the project, which is slightly over budget. Staff is reviewing the costs and design with DLM to look at cost savings of approximately 5%. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 4.8 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  DLM submitted construction documents to DSA in December 2015, but project bidding will be suspended 1 year to coincide with completion of Gym. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $9,350,000 Other Funding $0 Total $9,350,000 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $1,886,000 Construction & Equipment $7,344,000 Soft Costs Contingency $120,000 Total $9,350,000 Percent of Budget Expended 5.7% Current Phase: DSA Review Schedule: Architect Contract (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Conceptual Design (2) September 23, 2014 BOE Approval October 14, 2014 Schematic Design (2) March 24, 2015 BOE Approval April 21, 2015 Submit to DSA December 15, 2015 Authorize to Bid (1) April 19, 2017* Approval by DSA May 1, 2017* Award of Contract (1) June 15, 2017* Notice to Proceed May 26, 2017* Substantial Completion July 1, 2018* Planned Occupancy August 15, 2018* * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 11 Gunn High School New Classroom Buildings A & B A. PROJECT STATUS The new Math and English Building was occupied by staff and students on August 15, 2013. World Language Building classrooms have been in use since February, 2013. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  The World Languages building move-in occurred on February 8, 2013, and was occupied with staff and students on February 11, 2013. The Math & English building move-in occurred on July 15, 2013, and was occupied with staff and students on August 15, 2013. The project was completed within budget. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $24,808,488 Other Funding $0 Total $24,808,488 Budget Salaries and Benefits $24,948 Supplies $308,194 Contracts & Services $3,789,909 Construction & Equipment $20,685,160 Soft Costs Contingency $277 Total $24,808,488 Percent of Budget Expended 99.9% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $ 1,763,200  Remaining Contingency Balance $ 99,232  Percent of Changes 9.3% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Project Savings Realized = $226,713 Current Phase: Occupancy – August 15, 2013 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) March 31, 2009 BOE Approval April 14, 2009 Conceptual Design (2) September 8, 2009 BOE Approval September 22, 2009 Schematic Design (2) January 12, 2010 BOE Approval January 26, 2010 Submit to DSA August 4, 2010 Authorize to Bid (2) March 8, 2011 BOE Approval March 22, 2011 Approval by DSA May 27, 2011 Bid Opening July 13, 2011 Award of Contract (1) July 22, 2011 Notice to Proceed August 24, 2011 Substantial Completion July 15, 2013 Planned Occupancy August 15, 2013 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 12 Gunn High School New Gymnasium A. PROJECT STATUS The new gymnasium was occupied on June 7, 2013 and PE classes were held in the new gym on August 15, 2013. The tennis courts surfacing and striping was installed and completed August 27, 2013. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 3.4, 3.5, 3.13 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  The new gym was occupied on June 7, 2013. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $ 12,450,946 Other Funding $0 Total $12,450,946 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $19,706 Contracts & Services $2,461,402 Construction & Equipment $9,936,883 Soft Costs Contingency $32,955 Total $12,450,946 Percent of Budget Expended 99.9% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $834,700  Remaining Contingency Balance $7,909  Percent of Changes 9.9% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Project Savings Realized = $463,854 Current Phase: Occupancy – June 7, 2013 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) March 31, 2009 BOE Approval April 14, 2009 Conceptual Design (2) September 8, 2009 BOE Approval September 22, 2009 Schematic Design (2) January 12, 2010 BOE Approval January 26, 2010 Submit to DSA August 4, 2010 Authorize to Bid (2) March 8, 2011 BOE Approval March 22, 2011 Approval by DSA May 27, 2011 Bid Opening July 13, 2011 Award of Contract (1) July 20, 2011 Notice to Proceed August 1, 2011 Substantial Completion May 1, 2013 Planned Occupancy June 7, 2013 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 13 Gunn High School Existing Gymnasium Modernization A. PROJECT STATUS The modernized Bow gym was occupied by the campus on November 4, 2013. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 3.4, 3.5, 3.13 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  The project was completed on-schedule and within budget. Occupancy by the school occurred on November 12, 2013. Funding and Budget This project is funded by the New Gymnasium project budget. See that project budget for status. Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $99,800  Remaining Contingency Balance $51,455  Percent of Changes 4.8% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Current Phase: Close-out / Occupancy – November 12, 2013 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) March 31, 2009 BOE Approval April 14, 2009 Conceptual Design (2) September 8, 2009 BOE Approval September 22, 2009 Schematic Design (2) January 12, 2010 BOE Approval January 26, 2010 Submit to DSA August 4, 2010 Authorize to Bid (2) February 12, 2013 BOE Approval February 26, 2013 Approval by DSA January 23, 2013 Bid Opening April 2, 2013 Award of Contract (1) April 9, 2013 Notice to Proceed May 31, 2013 Substantial Completion October 28, 2013 Planned Occupancy November 12, 2013 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 14 Gunn High School E and K (MS and L-31) Buildings Renovation A. PROJECT STATUS Students occupied E and K buildings on August 13, 2014, and the flex room in building E was occupied on September 15, 2014. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 3.4, 3.5, 3.13 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  Construction was completed on schedule and within budget. Occupancy took place on August 13, 2014. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $1,629,173 Other Funding $0 Total $1,629,173 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $428,000 Construction & Equipment $1,198,886 Soft Costs Contingency $2,287 Total $1,629,173 Percent of Budget Expended 98.2% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $122,800  Remaining Contingency Balance $114,946  Percent of Changes 1.0% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Project Savings Realized = $491,666 Current Phase: Close-out/Occupancy – August 15, 2014 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) March 31, 2009 BOE Approval April 14, 2009 Conceptual Design (2) September 8, 2009 BOE Approval September 22, 2009 Schematic Design (2) June 11, 2013 BOE Approval June 18, 2013 Submit to DSA November 25, 2013 Authorize to Bid (2) March 25, 2014 BOE Approval April 22, 2014 Approval by DSA March 27, 2014 Bid Opening April 29, 2014 Award of Contract (1) May 20, 2014 Notice to Proceed May 27, 2014 Substantial Completion August 11, 2014 Planned Occupancy August 15, 2014 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 15 Gunn High School Traffic Signal Replacement Phase I – Parking and Drop-off Improvements A. PROJECT STATUS Columbia Electric installed the new traffic signal pole at Arastradero and Miranda Ave. and wiring has been completed. Concrete sidewalk work was also done in late July. Final landscape improvements were completed in August, and the first phase of this project is now complete. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 5.5 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  The Miranda Ave. parking and drop-off was phase one of a multi-phase project for various parking and drop off improvements. Future phases will be coordinated with the Central Building project, which will develop a new drop off area and entry plaza in the main parking lot. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $3,940,000 Other Funding $0 Total $3,940,000 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $919,858 Construction & Equipment $2,919,840 Soft Costs Contingency $100,302 Total $3,940,000 Percent of Budget Expended 44.2% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $121,380  Remaining Contingency Balance $77,492  Percent of Changes 3.6% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Current Phase: Closeout Schedule: Architect Contract (2) March 31, 2009 BOE Approval April 14, 2009 Conceptual Design (2) June 19, 2012 BOE Approval June 26, 2012 Schematic Design (2) December 18, 2012 BOE Approval January 15, 2013 Authorize to Bid (2) June 11, 2013 BOE Approval June18, 2013 Submit to DSA July 17, 2013 Approval by DSA October 2, 2013 Bid Opening November 12, 2013 Award of Contract (1) November 19, 2013 Notice to Proceed December 4, 2013 Substantial Completion August 15, 2014 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 16 Palo Alto High School Athletic Stadium Improvements A. PROJECT STATUS The concessions building, track re-surfacing, new ornamental fence, signage and entry lighting were completed for the Fall 2013 football season. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 4.13 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  The ornamental fence was completed on schedule in August 2013. The concessions building was occupied September 10, 2012. The bleacher replacement work was completed on schedule in June 2013. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $4,758,036 Other Funding $0 Total $4,758,036 Budget Salaries and Benefits $882 Supplies $2,746 Contracts & Services $818,716 Construction & Equipment $3,935,692 Soft Costs Contingency $0 Total $4,758,036 Percent of Budget Expended 100% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $310,200  Remaining Contingency Balance $364,338  Percent of Changes -1.7% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Project Savings Realized = $331,964 Current Phase: Close-out / Occupancy – August 1, 2013 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) January 26, 2010 BOE Approval February 9, 2010 Conceptual Design (2) June 1, 2010 BOE Approval June 22, 2010 Schematic Design (2) February 22, 2011 BOE Approval March 8, 2011 Submit to DSA April 4, 2011 Authorize to Bid (2) June 28, 2011 BOE Approval July 19, 2011 Approval by DSA July 26, 2011 Bid Opening December 1, 2011 Award of Contract (1) December 13, 2011 Notice to Proceed January 4, 2012 Substantial Completion - Concession August 31, 2012 Planned Occupancy - Concessions September 10, 2012 Bleachers March 31, 2013 Fence Completion August 1, 2013 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 17 Palo Alto High School Haymarket and Tower Building Improvements A. PROJECT STATUS All Trusty Builders completed the installation of the new windows on August 9, 2013, on schedule and within budget. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 4.1 - 4.3 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  The project completed on schedule and within budget. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $1,260,933 Other Funding $0 Total $1,260,933 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $62,844 Contracts & Services $179,000 Construction & Equipment $1,019,092 Soft Costs Contingency $0 Total $1,260,933 Percent of Budget Expended 100% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $39,200  Remaining Contingency Balance $33,930  Percent of Changes 1.3% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Project Savings Realized = $239,067 Current Phase: Close-out / Occupancy – August 9, 2013 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Conceptual Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Schematic Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Submit to DSA May 25, 2012 Authorize to Bid (2) April 24, 2012 BOE Approval May 6, 2012 Approval by DSA August 24, 2012 Bid Opening January 17, 2013 Award of Contract (1) January 29, 2013 Notice to Proceed February 21, 2013 Substantial Completion August 9, 2013 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 18 Palo Alto High School Classroom Building and Media Arts A. PROJECT STATUS Move in and occupancy of both buildings occurred in July 2014. Taisei has completed their work, and contract closeout is complete. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 4.1 - 4.3 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  Furniture installation and occupancy of the Media Arts and Math/Social Sciences buildings completed. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $36,938,515 Other Funding $0 Total $36,938,515 Budget Salaries and Benefits $18,448 Supplies $1,325,333 Contracts & Services $6,261,915 Construction & Equipment $29,236,995 Soft Costs Contingency $95,826 Total $38,415,001 Percent of Budget Expended 99.6% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $2,515,000  Remaining Contingency Balance $34,288  Percent of Changes * 9.9% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) * Does not include $570,000 settlement agreement with Taisei for release of any and all claims Project Savings Realized = $1,476,486 Current Phase: Close-out/ Occupancy – August 1, 2014 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) March 31, 2009 BOE Approval April 14, 2009 Conceptual Design (2) September 8, 2009 BOE Approval September 22, 2009 Schematic Design (2) January 12, 2010 BOE Approval January 26, 2010 Submit to DSA August 4, 2010 Authorize to Bid (2) March 8, 2011 BOE Approval March 22, 2011 Approval by DSA April 28, 2011 Bid Opening June 30, 2011 Award of Contract (1) July 12, 2011 Notice to Proceed August 4, 2011 Substantial Completion April 15, 2014 Planned Occupancy August 1, 2014 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 19 Jordan Middle School Classroom Wing, Cafetorium and Campus Improvements A. PROJECT STATUS Students occupied all new and modernized buildings for the start of school in fall 2013. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 2.1 – 2.3, 2.6 – 2.8, 2.10 – 2.12, 6.3 – 6.5 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  The project was completed on schedule and within budget. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $19,109,345 Other Funding $0 Total $19,109,345 Budget Salaries and Benefits $6,111 Supplies $86,265 Contracts & Services $3,723,370 Construction & Equipment $15,224,812 Soft Costs Contingency $68,787 Total $19,109,345 Percent of Budget Expended 99.2% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $1,398,700  Remaining Contingency Balance $202,769  Percent of Changes 8.6% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Project Savings Realized = $782,219 Current Phase: Close-out / Occupancy – August 15, 2013 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) October 28, 2008 BOE Approval October 30, 2008 Conceptual Design (2) June 23, 2009 BOE Approval September 8, 2009 Schematic Design (2) March 23, 2010 BOE Approval April 27, 2010 Submit to DSA December 21, 2010 Authorize to Bid (2) June 28, 2011 BOE Approval July 19, 2011 Approval by DSA October 5, 2011 Bid Opening December 8, 2011 Award of Contract (1) December 13, 2011 Notice to Proceed December 27, 2011 Substantial Completion August 1, 2013 Planned Occupancy August 15, 2013 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 20 J.L. Stanford Middle School Classroom Wing and Campus Improvements A. PROJECT STATUS Students occupied all new and modernized buildings for the start of school in fall 2013. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 2.1 – 2.3, 2.5 – 2.8, 2.11 – 2.12, 6.4, 6.5 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  The project completed on schedule and within budget. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $15,670,127 Other Funding $0 Total $15,670,127 Budget Salaries and Benefits $8,879 Supplies $144,790 Contracts & Services $3,545,843 Construction & Equipment $11,970,665 Soft Costs Contingency $0 Total $15,670,127 Percent of Budget Expended 99.1% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $1,057,800  Remaining Contingency Balance $911,677  Percent of Changes 1.4% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Project Savings Realized = $1,514,522 Current Phase: Close-out / Occupancy – August 15, 2013 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) October 28, 2008 BOE Approval October 30, 2008 Conceptual Design (2) June 23, 2009 BOE Approval September 8, 2009 Schematic Design (3) June 1, 2010 BOE Approval June 22, 2010 BOE Approval (Sitework) September 28, 2010 Submit to DSA May 6, 2011 Authorize to Bid (2) November 29, 2011 BOE Approval December 13, 2011 Approval by DSA January 24, 2012 Bid Opening May 3, 2012 Award of Contract (1) May 8, 2012 Notice to Proceed May 30, 2012 Substantial Completion August 7, 2013 Planned Occupancy August 15, 2013 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 21 J.L. Stanford Middle School Landscape and Site Improvements A. PROJECT STATUS Scapes completed the project on schedule in the fall 2013. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 2.1 – 2.3, 2.5 – 2.8, 2.11 – 2.12, 6.4, 6.5 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  The project completed on schedule and within budget. Funding and Budget This project is funded by the J.L. Stanford Middle School project budget. See that project budget for status. Percent of Budget Expended 100% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $1,057,800  Remaining Contingency Balance $902,445  Percent of Changes 2.8% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Current Phase: Close-out / Occupancy – August 16, 2013 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) October 28, 2008 BOE Approval October 30, 2008 Conceptual Design (2) June 23, 2009 BOE Approval September 8, 2009 Schematic Design (3) June 1, 2010 BOE Approval June 22, 2010 BOE Approval (Sitework) September 28, 2010 Submit to DSA May 6, 2011 Authorize to Bid (2) November 29, 2011 BOE Approval December 13, 2011 Approval by DSA January 24, 2012 Bid Opening May 3, 2013 Award of Contract (1) May 8, 2013 Notice to Proceed May 23, 2013 Substantial Completion August 16, 2013 Completion August 16, 2013 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 22 Terman Middle School Library Addition and Campus Improvements A. PROJECT STATUS Students occupied the new instructional spaces and modernized buildings for the start of school in fall 2013. The cafetorium modernization was completed in October 2013. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 2.1 – 2.8, 2.11 – 2.12 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  The project completed on schedule in August 2013, except for the Cafetorium, which was completed in November 2013. The project has been completed within budget. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $13,051,487 Other Funding $0 Total $13,051,487 Budget Salaries and Benefits $4,153 Supplies $75,747 Contracts & Services $2,720,590 Construction & Equipment $10,246,249 Soft Costs Contingency $4,748 Total $13,051,487 Percent of Budget Expended 99.6% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $929,900  Remaining Contingency Balance $12,909  Percent of Changes 9.4% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Project Savings Realized = $261,484 Current Phase: Close-out / Occupancy – November 15, 2013 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) October 28, 2008 BOE Approval October 30, 2008 Conceptual Design (2) June 23, 2009 BOE Approval September 8, 2009 Schematic Design (2) May 11, 2010 BOE Approval May 25, 2010 Submit to DSA December 21, 2010 Authorize to Bid (2) June 28, 2011 BOE Approval July 19, 2011 Approval by DSA September 1, 2011 Bid Opening December 6, 2011 Award of Contract (1) December 13, 2011 Notice to Proceed December 27, 2011 Substantial Completion October 31, 2013 Planned Occupancy November 15, 2013 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 23 Duveneck Elementary School New Classroom Buildings and Modernization A. PROJECT STATUS The fence around the sod for the field area to establish growth was removed on September 19, 2014. All buildings were substantially complete and occupied on August 11, 2014. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 1.1 – 1.2, 1.4 – 1.10 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  The project has been completed within budget, and was occupied on August 5, 2014. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $9,277,534 Other Funding $0 Total $9,277,534 Budget Salaries and Benefits $20,313 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $2,098,650 Construction & Equipment $7,154,178 Soft Costs Contingency $4,393 Total $9,277,534 Percent of Budget Expended 99.5% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $703 ,772  Remaining Contingency Balance $304,029  Percent of Changes 5.7% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Realized Project Savings = $500,824 Current Phase: Close-out/Occupancy – August 5, 2014 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) April 27, 2010 BOE Approval May 11, 2010 Conceptual Design (2) December 14, 2010 BOE Approval January 11, 2011 Schematic Design (2) June 14, 2011 BOE Approval June 28, 2011 Submit to DSA February 27, 2012 Approval by DSA December 10, 2012 Authorize to Bid (2) December 18 2012 BOE Approval January 15, 2013 Bid Opening February 28, 2013 Award of Contract (1) March 12, 2013 Notice to Proceed March 25, 2013 Substantial Completion July 31, 2014 Planned Occupancy August 5, 2014 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 24 Fairmeadow Elementary School New Classroom Building and Modernization A. PROJECT STATUS Students occupied all new and modernized buildings for the start of school in fall 2013. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 1.1 – 1.2, 1.4 – 1.10 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  The project completed on schedule and within budget. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $7,656,720 Other Funding $0 Total $7,656,720 Budget Salaries and Benefits $32,377 Supplies $98,962 Contracts & Services $1,992,932 Construction & Equipment $5,531,329 Soft Costs Contingency $1,120 Total $7,656,720 Percent of Budget Expended 99.1% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $642 ,300  Remaining Contingency Balance $186,122  Percent of Changes 7.1% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Realized Project Savings = $139,830 Current Phase: Close-out / Occupancy – August 15, 2013 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) October 13, 2009 BOE Approval October 27, 2009 Conceptual Design (2) March 23, 2010 BOE Approval April 6, 2010 Schematic Design (2) September 14, 2010 BOE Approval September 28, 2010 Submit to DSA April 18, 2011 Authorize to Bid (2) October 11, 2011 BOE Approval October 25, 2011 Approval by DSA November 14, 2011 Bid Opening December 5, 2011 Award of Contract (1) December 13, 2011 Notice to Proceed January 3, 2012 Substantial Completion August 5, 2013 Planned Occupancy August 15, 2013 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 25 Ohlone Elementary School New Classroom Building and Modernization A. PROJECT STATUS Move-in to the new building and other existing classrooms occurred in December 2011. Students occupied the new building on January 3, 2012. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 1.1 – 1.2, 1.4 – 1.10 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  Occupancy occurred on January 3, 2012. Project completed on schedule and within budget. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $10,556,389 Other Funding $0 Total $10,556,389 Budget Salaries and Benefits $7,461 Supplies $49,049 Contracts & Services $2,180,418 Construction & Equipment $8,319,461 Soft Costs Contingency $62,598 Total $10,556,389 Percent of Budget Expended 99.7% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $748,400  Remaining Contingency Balance $459,113  Percent of Changes 3.9% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Realized Project Savings = $41,481 Current Phase: Occupancy – January 3, 2012 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) September 30, 2008 BOE Approval October 14, 2008 Conceptual Design (2) March 3, 2009 BOE Approval March 17, 2009 Schematic Design (2) June 2, 2009 BOE Approval June 23, 2009 Submit to DSA November 24, 2009 Authorize to Bid (2) April 27, 2010 BOE Approval May 11, 2010 Approval by DSA May 18, 2010 Bid Opening July 13, 2010 Award of Contract (1) August 3, 2010 Notice to Proceed August 19, 2010 Substantial Completion November 18, 2011 Planned Occupancy January 3, 2012 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 26 Site Acquisition 525 San Antonio Rd A. PROJECT STATUS This site has been leased to Athena Academy. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 1.1 – 1.2, 1.4 – 1.10 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  The site has been leased to Athena Academy. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $8,500,000 Other Funding $0 Total $8,500,000 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $8,500,000 Construction & Equipment $0 Soft Costs Contingency $0 Total $8,500,000 Percent of Budget Expended 100% Current Phase: N/A Schedule: Architect Contract (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Conceptual Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Schematic Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Submit to DSA N/A Approval by DSA N/A Authorize to Bid (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Bid Opening N/A Award of Contract (1) N/A Notice to Proceed N/A Substantial Completion N/A Planned Occupancy N/A * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 27 Jordan Middle Schools - Interim Classrooms A. PROJECT STATUS The portables were installed and moved into for fall 2011. DSA closeout received November 19, 2012. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 2.1, 6.4, 6.5 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  This project completed ahead of schedule and under budget.  Move in occurred on September 30, 2011. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $379,811 Other Funding $208,222 Total $488,033 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $180,286 Construction & Equipment $306,983 Soft Costs Contingency $764 Total $488,033 Percent of Budget Expended 100% Current Phase: Move-in Schedule: Approval by DSA June 16, 2011 Authorize to Bid (2) June 14, 2011 BOE Approval June 28, 2011 Bid Opening July 14, 2011 Award of Contract (1) July 20, 2011 Notice to Proceed July 27, 2011 Substantial Completion September 20, 2011 Occupancy September 30, 2011 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 28 Gunn High School Air Conditioning of Existing Buildings A. PROJECT STATUS Best Contracting Services Inc. completed the installation of air conditioning units and cool roof coating in the summer 2011. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 3.7 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  Project has been closed-out. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $2,092,366 Other Funding $0 Total $2,092,366 Budget Salaries and Benefits $1,919 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $454,610 Construction & Equipment $1,612,946 Soft Costs Contingency $22,891 Total $2,092,366 Percent of Budget Expended 100% Current Phase: Completed Schedule: Architect Contract (2) March 27, 2010 BOE Approval April 6, 2010 Conceptual Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Schematic Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Submit to DSA October 20, 2010 Approval by DSA February 10, 2011 Authorize to Bid (2) February 22, 2011 BOE Approval March 8, 2011 Bid Opening March 28, 2011 Award of Contract (1) April 8, 2011 Notice to Proceed April 11, 2011 Substantial Completion August 8, 2011 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 29 J.L. Stanford Middle School Interim Classrooms A. PROJECT STATUS Coulter Construction completed the work on the relocated portables in August 2011. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 2.1, 6.4, 6.5 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  Project completed on schedule and is currently in close-out. This portable relocation project funded by main JLS project. Refer to pg. 14 Current Phase: Occupancy - August 11, 2011 Schedule: Approval by DSA April 19, 2011 Jordan Project June 16, 2011 Authorize to Bid (2) May 10, 2011 BOE Approval May 24, 2011 Bid Opening June 1, 2011 Award of Contract (1) June 13, 2011 Notice to Proceed June 20, 2011 Substantial Completion August 8, 2011 Planned Occupancy August 15, 2011 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 30 Fairmeadow Elementary School Portable Relocation Project A. PROJECT STATUS Relocation of the portable was complete and occupied on August 8, 2011. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 6.4 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  Project completed ahead of schedule on August 8, 2011. This portable relocation project funded by main JLS project. Refer to pg. 14 Current Phase: Occupancy - August 8, 2011 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) February 15, 2011 BOE Approval N/A Conceptual Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Schematic Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Submit to DSA March 3, 2011 Approval by DSA March 3, 2011 Authorize to Bid (2) May 11, 2011 BOE Approval May 24, 2011 Bid Opening June 14, 2011 Award of Contract (1) June 14, 2011 Notice to Proceed June 20, 2011 Substantial Completion August 1, 2011 Planned Occupancy August 8, 2011 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 31 Elementary Classroom Improvements Interactive Whiteboards and Sound Assist System Installation A. PROJECT STATUS Installation of SmartBoards and Lightspeed sound assist systems were completed for all elementary school classrooms and libraries in April 2011. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 1.5 – 1.7 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  All SmartBoards and Lightspeed sound systems installed. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $1,879,695 Other Funding $0 Total $1,879,695 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $275,488 Construction & Equipment $1,604,207 Soft Costs Contingency $0 Total $1,879,695 Percent of Budget Expended 100% Current Phase: Complete - May 15, 2011 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Conceptual Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Schematic Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Submit to DSA N/A Approval by DSA N/A Authorize to Bid (2) November 9, 2010 BOE Approval November 23, 2010 Bid Opening February 25, 2011 Award of Contract (1) March 8, 2011 Notice to Proceed March 9, 2011 Completion May 15, 2011 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 32 Palo Alto High School Multi-Use Field A. PROJECT STATUS The fields were available for play on February 1, 2011, and final change order negotiations completed on March 9, 2011. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 4.14 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  Field was open for use on February 1, 2011. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $2,609,680 Other Funding $1,007,255 Total $3,616,935 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $1,506 Contracts & Services $698,293 Construction & Equipment $2,916,682 Soft Costs Contingency $454 Total $3,616,935 Percent of Budget Expended 100.0% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $269,300  Remaining Contingency Balance $230,579  Percent of Changes 1.5% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Current Phase: Occupancy – February 1, 2011 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) September 30, 2008 BOE Approval October 14, 2008 Conceptual Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Schematic Design (2) November 18, 2008 BOE Approval December 09, 2008 Submit to DSA March 19, 2009 Approval by DSA September 30, 2009 Authorize to Bid (2) February 24, 2009 BOE Approval March 17, 2009 Bid Opening March 16, 2010 Award of Contract (1) April 7, 2010 Notice to Proceed June 1, 2010 Substantial Completion January 31, 2011 Planned Occupancy February 1, 2011 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 33 Gunn High School Industrial Arts Addition and Renovation A. PROJECT STATUS This facility was available for instruction in January 2010. DSA closeout received on July 18, 2011. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 3.1, 3.7, 3.11 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  The building occupied as scheduled, and the project completed within budget. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $5,065,128 Other Funding $0 Total $5,065,128 Budget Salaries and Benefits $1,061 Supplies $88,985 Contracts & Services $984,783 Construction & Equipment $3,990,300 Soft Costs Contingency $0 Total $5,065,128 Percent of Budget Expended 100% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $349,000  Remaining Contingency Balance $141,967  Percent of Changes 41.6% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Current Phase: Occupancy – January 4, 2010 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Conceptual Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Schematic Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Submit to DSA June 17, 2008 Approval by DSA December 24, 2008 Authorize to Bid (2) October 14, 2008 BOE Approval October 28, 2008 Bid Opening December 16, 2008 Award of Contract (1) December 24, 2008 Notice to Proceed January 6, 2009 Substantial Completion November 25, 2009 Planned Occupancy January 4, 2010 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 34 Gunn High School Aquatic Center A. PROJECT STATUS This facility was available for use in July 2009. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 3.12 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  This project completed within budget. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $4,862,530 Other Funding $0 Total $4,862,530 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $647,169 Construction & Equipment $4,215,360 Soft Costs Contingency $0 Total $4,862,530 Percent of Budget Expended 100% Change Order Contingency  Starting Contingency Balance $389,887  Remaining Contingency Balance $195,148  Percent of Changes 49.9% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) Current Phase: Occupancy – June 15, 2009 Schedule: Architect Contract (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Conceptual Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Schematic Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Submit to DSA December 11, 2007 Approval by DSA April 24, 2008 Authorize to Bid (2) April 8, 2008 BOE Approval April 22, 2008 Bid Opening May 28, 2008 Award of Contract (1) June 4, 2008 Notice to Proceed December 6, 2008 Substantial Completion June 15, 2009 Planned Occupancy June 15, 2009 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 35 Middle School Pre-Design Jordan, J.L. Stanford and Terman A. PROJECT STATUS AEDIS presented recommended concept plans for each campus to the Board of Education for approval on September 8, which became the program documents for the new projects at each campus. These projects for pre-design work have been closed, and funds will be transferred to the program contingency on June 14, 2011. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 2.1 – 2.12 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  This project has been completed. Board approval received on September 8, 2009. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $54,658 Other Funding $0 Total $54,658 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $54,658 Construction & Equipment $0 Soft Costs Contingency $0 Total $54,658 Percent of Budget Expended 100% Current Phase: Complete Schedule: Architect Contract (2) October 28, 2008 BOE Approval October 30, 2008 Conceptual Design (2) June 23, 2009 BOE Approval September 8, 2009 Schematic Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Submit to DSA N/A Approval by DSA N/A Authorize to Bid (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Bid Opening N/A Award of Contract (1) N/A Notice to Proceed N/A Substantial Completion N/A Planned Occupancy N/A * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 36 Technology Improvements A. PROJECT STATUS Equipment orders have arrived and were deployed to the various campuses for use during the 2014/15 school year. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 1.5 – 1.7 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  Equipment has been installed for the 2014/15 school year. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $10,485,054 Other Funding $0 Total $10,485,054 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies & Computers $6,850,644 Contracts & Services $539,269 Construction & Equipment $3,095,142 Soft Costs Contingency $0 Total $10,485,054 Percent of Budget Expended 92.2% Current Phase: N/A Schedule: Architect Contract (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Conceptual Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Schematic Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Submit to DSA N/A Approval by DSA N/A Authorize to Bid (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Bid Opening N/A Award of Contract (1) N/A Notice to Proceed N/A Substantial Completion N/A Planned Occupancy N/A * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 37 Garland Elementary School Campus Modernization A. PROJECT STATUS The Board of Education has put new development for Garland on hold until a growth plan is established for the elementary schools. The board voted to terminate the lease with Stratford School in June 2011. Discussions with the Board on future plans for growth at the elementary schools are ongoing. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 1.1, 1.4 – 1.10 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  This project has been placed on hold. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $22,178,544 Other Funding $0 Total $22,178,544 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $3,915,789 Construction & Equipment $17,400,000 Soft Costs Contingency $862,755 Total $22,178,544 Percent of Budget Expended 1.3% Current Phase: On Hold Schedule: Architect Contract (2) October 28, 2008 BOE Approval October 30, 2008 Conceptual Design (2) February 10, 2009 BOE Approval February 24, 2009 Schematic Design (2) June 2, 2009 BOE Approval June 23, 2009 Submit to DSA N/A Approval by DSA N/A Authorize to Bid (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Bid Opening N/A Award of Contract (1) N/A Notice to Proceed N/A Substantial Completion N/A Planned Occupancy N/A * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 38 High School Master Plan Palo Alto HS and Gunn HS A. PROJECT STATUS The Board of Education (BOE) approved the master plans for both high schools, and these projects have been closed, with funds transferred to the respective campus reserve funds. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 3.1 – 3.14, 4.1 – 4.14 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  Master planning effort complete. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $285,387 Other Funding $0 Total $285,387 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $285,387 Construction & Equipment $0 Soft Costs Contingency $0 Total $285,387 Percent of Budget Expended 86.2% Current Phase: Complete Schedule: Architect Contract (2) March 31, 2009 BOE Approval April 14, 2009 Initial Master Plan Approval (2) September 8, 2009 BOE Approval September 22, 2009 Paly CEQA Approval (2) February 9, 2010 BOE Approval February 23, 2010 Gunn Master Plan Update (2) March 23, 2010 BOE Approval April 6, 2010 Gunn CEQA Approval (2) April 27, 2010 BOE Approval May 11, 2010 Master Plan Revision Approval (2) September 14, 2010 Paly MP Revision Approval (2) October 9, 2010 Gunn MP Revision Approval (2) October 12, 2010 * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings Page | 39 Hoover Elementary School Pre-Design A. PROJECT STATUS This project has been put on hold until a growth plan is established for the elementary schools. B. BUDGET & SCHEDULE SUMMARY C. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 1.1 – 1.2, 1.4 – 1.10 D. PROJECT OVERVIEW:  Project is currently on hold. Funding State Funds $0 Strong Schools Bond Funds $57,165 Other Funding $0 Total $57,165 Budget Salaries and Benefits $0 Supplies $0 Contracts & Services $57,165 Construction & Equipment $0 Soft Costs Contingency $0 Total $57,165 Percent of Budget Expended 100% Current Phase: On Hold Schedule: Architect Contract (2) April 27, 2010 BOE Approval May 11, 2010 Conceptual Design (2) November 9, 2010 Schematic Design (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Submit to DSA N/A Approval by DSA N/A Authorize to Bid (2) N/A BOE Approval N/A Bid Opening N/A Award of Contract (1) N/A Notice to Proceed N/A Substantial Completion N/A Planned Occupancy N/A * Anticipated Dates – Subject to Change ( ) Denotes number of Board of Education Readings