Monthly Reports 2010-02 (Feb) MMOONNTTHHLLYY PPRROOGGRREESSSS RREEPPOORRTT Through February 2010 Current Strong Schools Bond Capital Improvement Projects Prepared by O’Connor Construction Management, Inc. & Gilbane Building Company Page | 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary page 3 Attachment 1 – Consolidated Expenditure Report Attachment 2 – Master Project Schedule Capital Projects High School Master Plan page 6 Gunn High School – New Classroom Buildings A & B page 7 Gunn High School – Parking and Drop-off Sitework Improvement page 8 Gunn High School – New Gymnasium page 9 Palo Alto High School – Stadium Field Renovation page 10 Palo Alto High School – Multi-use Field page 11 Palo Alto High School – Classroom Building and Media Arts page 12 Palo Alto High School – Theater and Associated Site Improvements page 13 Jordan Middle School page 14 J.L. Stanford Middle School page 15 Terman Middle School page 16 Fairmeadow Elementary School page 17 Ohlone Elementary School page 18 Inactive Capital Projects Gunn High School – Industrial Arts Renovation page 19 Gunn High School – Aquatic Center page 20 Garland Elementary School page 21 Elementary School Teaching Walls – Phase 1 Schools page 22 Appendix Exhibit A – Bond Project List Page | 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CAPITAL PROJECTS High School Master Plan Gates + Associates has held meetings with the landscape subcommittees at each high school to review conceptual landscape plans. These meetings were followed by brainstorming workshops to incorporate committee and community input into the plans. The Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Palo Alto high school master plan was adopted by the Board on February 23, 2010. The MND for Gunn high school is scheduled to be adopted by the Board in April 2010. Gunn High School – New Classroom Buildings A & B DLM has commenced on the design development phase for the project, which is scheduled to be complete in March 2010. To make way for construction of the new classroom building, the approximately 26 portables will need to be relocated. This portable relocation project is currently out to bid, with bids due on March 24, 2010. Construction will begin on June 14, 2010. Gunn High School – Parking and Drop-off Sitework Improvement DLM presented various studies to the facilities steering committee (FSC) to incorporate an entrance and drop-off from Miranda Ave. on the west side of campus. The future parking and drop-off improvements design will continue after adoption of the mitigated negative declaration by the Board in April. Gunn High School – New Gymnasium DLM hosted an additional meeting to review the changes requested by the FSC. DLM has commenced on the design development phase, which is scheduled to be complete in March 2010. Work on construction documents is scheduled to begin in April. Palo Alto High School – Stadium Field Renovation DLM has held initial meetings with facilities and school representatives to discuss the programming needs for the stadium field and surrounding areas. The project program will include a new concession stand, bathrooms, and home and visitor’s side bleachers. The project is planned for construction during the summer of 2011. Palo Alto High School – Multi-use Field The Board of Education approved the authorization for bid of the multi-use field on February 9, 2010. The project was advertised to bid on February 10, 2010 and a pre-bid walk was conducted on February 25, 2010. Seven general contractors were pre-qualified to bid the work, with six attending the mandatory pre-bid walk. Bids are due on March 16, 2010 and construction will begin after the baseball and softball seasons conclude in June 2010. Palo Alto High School – Classroom Building and Media Arts Building DLM has commenced on the design development phase for the project, which is scheduled to be complete in March 2010. Similar to Gunn, relocation of portable classrooms is scheduled to occur during summer 2010 to clear the site for this project. The portable relocation project was advertised for bid on January 29, 2010 and bids are due March 24, 2010. Palo Alto High School – Theater and Associated Site Improvements Program meetings have been held with the performing arts department leaders to confirm their programming needs prior to studying an approach for the theater footprint and layout. A space diagram and program plan will be updated to present to the FSC in March for review and approval in April. Jordan Middle School AEDIS met with the auditorium group to discuss scope revisions and to finalize the layout. AEDIS will prepare schematic design plans for a community meeting and the final bond advisory committee meeting before presenting the schematic design to the Board of Education in late March 2010. J.L. Stanford Middle School AEDIS updated plans after the departmental meetings with science and physical education and refined the new classroom building design in preparation to present to the advisory committee. AEDIS will meet with the bond advisory group to further discuss the modernization work in existing classrooms and support rooms, exterior landscaping, and to review the design progress on the new classroom building in March 2010. Terman Middle School AEDIS continued design refinement of the administration and library building, drama classroom, computer classroom renovation and other campus-wide priorities. AEDIS will continue discussions and present updated plans to staff and faculty in early March 2010. Schematic design is anticipated to be complete in May 2010. Fairmeadow Elementary School – Pre-Design Gelfand Partners continued pre-design efforts with a presentation to the PTA, a site committee meeting and a progress update to the Board of Education. Gelfand will solicit feedback from the community on March 1, 2010 on the conceptual plan and discuss the recommended design with the Board of Education on March 23, 2010. Ohlone Elementary School – New Classroom Building and Modernization DSA continues its review of the Ohlone new classroom building and modernization project, which should be completed by August 2010. Design efforts are complete for the two additional modular classrooms and relocation of two day care classrooms. The modular classrooms will bid on March 2, and be presented to the board for award March 9. Relocations of the portables are scheduled for this summer and will make way for the construction of the two story building scheduled to begin late fall. INACTIVE CAPITAL PROJECTS Gunn High School – Industrial Arts Addition & Renovation Of the $5,576,500 project budget, 84.6% or $4,720,037 was expended. Approved change orders were $208,756, which is approximately 59.8% of the $349,000 construction contingency. Gunn High School – Aquatic Center Of the $5,013,750 project budget, 96.6%, or $4,844,070 was expended. Approved change orders were $194,739, which is approximately 49.9% of the $389,887 construction contingency. Garland Elementary School Renovation The Board of Education voted on August 25, 2009 to approve the amendment to Garland lease to Stratford School. Therefore, the district has placed the project on hold. Elementary School Teaching Walls – Phase 1 Schools The district has placed this project on hold pending further review of the implementation of other classroom improvements. Page | 5 Board Actions in February February 9, 2010 Consent 4 – Appropriation of Measure A Funds for Computers at All District Schools Consent 7 – Authorization to Issue Addendum No. 5 to Deems Lewis McKinley Architecture Action 14 – Authorization to Solicit Bids for the Palo Alto High School Multi-use Fields February 23, 2010 Consent 6 – Adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration for 50 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, California (Palo Alto High School) Action 10 – Authorization to Issue No. 6 to Deems Lewis McKinley Architecture for Initial Studies for the Football Stadium Renovations at Palo Alto High School ABCC / AB - CC / BA - BGunn High School - High School Master Plan 145,000 127,37179,81555.0% 47,556 62.66% 17,629Gunn High School 1 - Aquatic Center 5,013,750 4,935,315 4,853,10596.8% 82,210 98.33% 78,435Gunn High School 2 - I.A 5,576,500 4,986,886 4,720,03784.6% 266,849 94.65% 589,614Gunn High School 3 - AD2- close out5,7775,7775,777 100.0%0 100.00%0Gunn High School 4 - New classroom A & B24,120,000 2,129,219423,4701.8% 1,705,749 19.89% 21,990,781Gunn High School 5 - Parking & Drop Off improvements3,940,000 217,7701,9970.1% 215,773 0.92% 3,722,230Gunn High School 6- New/Auxiliary Gymnasium13,830,000 971,629106,5300.8% 865,099 10.96% 12,858,371Gunn High School - Reserved21,273,533000.0%0 0.00% 21,273,533Palo Alto High Schools - High School Master Plan145,000 127,54790,69962.6% 36,848 71.11% 17,453Palo Alto High School 1 - Bleacher1,358,437 124,088115,8108.5%8,278 93.33% 1,234,349Palo Alto High School 2 - Multi-Use Field (Multi-Fund)3,002,063 484,018220,5267.3% 263,492 45.56% 2,518,045Palo Alto high School 3 - New classroom & Media Art Building34,220,000 2,258,132418,7181.2% 1,839,414 18.54% 31,961,868Palo Alto High School 4 - New Theater17,720,000 1,026,2104,8870.0% 1,021,323 0.48% 16,693,790Palo Alto High School - Reserved42,348,045000.0%0 0.00% 42,348,045Jordan Middle School - Middle School Pre-Design33,665 19,71817,41351.7%2,305 88.31% 13,947Jordan Middle Schools 1- Interim Classrooms600,342 186,569156,98126.1% 29,588 84.14% 413,773Jordan Middle School 217,943,194 1,583,519201,4561.1% 1,382,063 12.72% 16,359,675Jordan Middle School - Reserved0000.0%0 0.00%0J.L.S Middle School - Middle School Pre-Design33,669 19,62717,99553.4%1,632 91.68% 14,042J.L.S Middle School 1 - Interim Classrooms 446,844 351,408307,46568.8% 43,943 87.50% 95,436 J.L.S Middle School 217,184,699 1,432,062133,2630.8% 1,298,799 9.31% 15,752,637 J.L.S Middle School - Reserved 0000.0%0 0.00%0Terman Middle School - Middle School Pre- Design33,666 19,62718,01053.5%1,617 91.76% 14,039Terman Middle School 112,850,071 1,187,575136,7661.1% 1,050,809 11.52% 11,662,496Terman Middle School - Reserved 0000.0%0 0.00%0PAUSD Elementary Schools - Elementary Growth Plan145,000 62,70055,56038.3%7,140 88.61% 82,300Garland Elementary School 1- Phase I 22,178,544 281,279280,1131.3%1,166 99.59% 21,897,265Fairmeadow Elementary School 1- Phase I 27,500 27,50000.0% 27,500 0.00%0Ohlone Elementary School 1- Phase I 11,667,965 1,442,324837,5587.2% 604,766 58.07% 10,225,641 Elementary Schools 1 - Elem Teaching Wall Project7,044,987 139,822113,3521.6% 26,470 81.07% 6,905,165Elementary Schools - Reserved57,614,283000.0%0 0.00% 57,614,283PAUSD - Program Admin. **3,353,108 2,695,869 1,707,17650.9% 988,693 63.33% 657,239PAUSD - Technology 5,995,689 1,851,889 1,786,30229.8% 65,587 96.46% 4,143,800PAUSD - Technology -Reserved7,911,676000.0%0 0.00% 7,911,676PAUSD - Reserved6,335,945000.0%0 0.00% 6,335,945Total344,098,952 28,695,450 16,810,78111,884,669315,403,502Prepared by: Business Services Department based on QSS accounting SystemPalo Alto Unified School District Strong Schools Bond2/28/2010Percent of ExpendedContract BalanceExpenditures Budget BalanceCommittedBudgetSchool Name - Project NamePercent of Budget Expended Activity IDPhaseActivity NameOriginalDurationStartFinishDuration % CompleteGunn- IndusGunn- Industrial AGunn- Industrial Arts Renovation38701-Oct-08 A25-Mar-1095.09%Gunn - New Gunn - New ClassrGunn - New Classroom Building107520-Apr-09 A03-Jun-1319.07%Gunn - ParkiGunn - Parking andGunn - Parking and Drop Off102101-Sep-09 A30-Jul-1314.89%Gunn New GGunn New GymnasGunn New Gymnasium92221-Apr-09 A01-Nov-1222.13%Paly - Home Paly - Home Side BPaly - Home Side Bleachers63017-Aug-09 A26-Jan-1220.79%Paly - Multi UPaly - Multi Use FiePaly - Multi Use Field Improvements53203-Nov-08 A18-Oct-1068.8%Paly - New CPaly - New ClassroPaly - New Classroom Building & Media Arts111820-Apr-09 A01-Aug-1320.13%Paly - New TPaly - New TheaterPaly - New Theater and Sitework149709-Sep-09 A26-May-158.68%Jordan New Jordan New ClassrJordan New Classroom Wing & Modernization112203-Nov-08 A19-Feb-1330.75%Stanford NewStanford New ClasStanford New Classroom Wing116803-Nov-08 A01-May-1329.11%Terman AdmTerman Admin WinTerman Admin Wing Addition & Modernization120003-Nov-08 A13-Jun-1328.42%Garland SchGarland School MoGarland School Modernization47903-Nov-08 A01-Mar-10100%FairmeadowFairmeadow ElemeFairmeadow Elementary School120514-Dec-09 A16-Aug-1324.9%Ohlone New Ohlone New ClassOhlone New Classroom Wing87603-Nov-08 A12-Mar-1239.38%Teaching WaTeaching Walls CaTeaching Walls Casework17206-Apr-09 A28-Sep-09 A100%SNDJFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASNDJFAJJASONDJFAJJASONDJFMAMJJASNDJFAJJASONDJFMAMJ2009201020112012201320142015PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT STRONG SCHOOLS BOND PROGRAM MASTER SCHEDULE SUMMARY 04-Mar-10 09:44DesignPlanningBid and AwardConstructionDSACloseoutMilestonePage 1 of 1TASK filter: All Activities© Primavera Systems, Inc. Page | 6 High School Master Plan Palo Alto HS and Gunn HS A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Aimée Lopez, O’Connor Construction Management, Inc. Architect/Engineer: Deems Lewis McKinley B. PROJECT STATUS Gates + Associates has held meetings with the landscape subcommittees at each high school to review conceptual landscape plans. These meetings were followed by brainstorming workshops to incorporate committee and community input into the plans. The Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Palo Alto high school master plan was adopted by the Board on February 23, 2010. The MND for Gunn high school is scheduled to be adopted by the Board in April 2010. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: Planning • Planned Completion for Current Phase: April 27, 2010 D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $290,000 Supplies $1,000 Other $0 Contracts & Services $279,521 Total $ 290,000 Construction & Equipment $0 Soft Costs Contingency $9,479 Total $290,000 • Percent of Budget Expended 58.8% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 3.1 – 3.14, 4.1 – 4.14 F. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • Board of Education adopted the MND for Palo Alto high school on February 23, 2010. Final MND documents being prepared by ESA for Gunn high school. Page | 7 Gunn High School New Classroom Buildings A & B A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Alex Morrison, Gilbane Building Company Architect/Engineer: DLM Architects B. PROJECT STATUS DLM has commenced on the design development phase for the project, which is scheduled to be complete in March 2010. To make way for construction of the new classroom building, the approximately 26 portables will need to be relocated. This portable relocation project is currently out to bid, with bids due on March 24, 2010. Construction will begin on June 14, 2010. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: Design Development • Planned Completion for Current Phase: April 13, 2010 D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $24,120,000 Supplies $50,000 Other $ 0 Contracts & Services $4,315,728 Total $24,120,000 Construction & Equipment $19,590,000 Soft Costs Contingency $ 164,272 Total $24,120,000 • Percent of Budget Expended 1.8% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 F. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • Project is currently proceeding on schedule and within budget. Page | 8 Gunn High School Parking and Drop-off Sitework Improvement A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Aimée Lopez, O’Connor Construction Management, Inc. Architect/Engineer: DLM Architects B. PROJECT STATUS DLM presented various studies to the facilities steering committee (FSC) to incorporate an entrance and drop-off from Miranda Ave. on the west side of campus. The future parking and drop-off improvements design will continue after adoption of the mitigated negative declaration by the Board in April. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: Schematic Design • Planned Completion for Current Phase: December 14, 2010 D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $3,940,000 Supplies $0 Other $ 0 Contracts & Services $883,978 Total $3,940,000 Construction & Equipment $ 2,934,840 Soft Costs Contingency $ 121,182 Total $3,940,000 • Percent of Budget Expended 0.1% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 5.5 F. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • This project will re-commence after completion of CEQA process. Page | 9 Gunn High School New Gymnasium A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Alex Morrison, Gilbane Building Company Architect/Engineer: DLM Architects B. PROJECT STATUS DLM hosted an additional meeting to review the changes requested by the FSC. DLM has commenced on the design development phase, which is scheduled to be complete in March 2010. Work on construction documents is scheduled to begin in April. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: Design Development • Planned Completion for Current Phase: April 13, 2010 D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $13,830,000 Supplies $40,000 Other $ 0 Contracts & Services $2,596,521 Total $13,830,000 Construction & Equipment $ 11,109,450 Soft Costs Contingency $ 84,029 Total $13,830,000 • Percent of Budget Expended 0.8% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 3.4, 3.5, 3.13 F. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • Project is currently proceeding on schedule and within budget. Page | 10 Palo Alto High School Football Stadium Renovation A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Aimée Lopez, O’Connor Construction Management, Inc. Architect/Engineer: DLM Architects B. PROJECT STATUS DLM has held initial meetings with facilities and school representatives to discuss the programming needs for the stadium field and surrounding areas. The project program will include a new concession stand, bathrooms, and home and visitor’s side bleachers. The project is planned for construction during the summer of 2011. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: Planning • Planned Completion for Current Phase: May 25, 2010 D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $1,358,437 Supplies $0 Other $0 Contracts & Services $243,042 Total $1,358,437 Construction & Equipment $1,098,590 Soft Costs Contingency $16,805 Total $1,358,437 • Percent of Budget Expended 8.53% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 4.13 F. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • Programming in progress. Page | 11 Palo Alto High School Multi-Use Field A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Arnold Teten, Gilbane Building Company Architect/Engineer: Verde Design, Inc. B. PROJECT STATUS The Board of Education approved the authorization for bid of the multi-use field on February 9, 2010. The project was advertised to bid on February 10, 2010 and a pre-bid walk was conducted on February 25, 2010. Seven general contractors were pre-qualified to bid the work, with six attending the mandatory pre-bid walk. Bids are due on March 16, 2010 and construction will begin after the baseball and softball seasons conclude in June 2010. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: Bid & Award • Planned Completion for Current Phase: April 6, 2010 D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget – Measure A Only State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $3,002,063 Supplies $0 Other $ 1,075,991 Contracts & Services $673,020 Total $4,078,054 Construction & Equipment $ 3,312,683 Soft Costs Contingency $ 92,351 Total $4,078,054 • Percent of Budget Expended 7.4% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 4.14 F. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • Bids are due on March 16, 2010. Page | 12 Palo Alto High School Classroom Building and Media Arts A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Heidi Rank, Gilbane Building Company Architect/Engineer: DLM Architects B. PROJECT STATUS DLM has commenced on the design development phase for the project, which is scheduled to be complete in March 2010. Similar to Gunn, relocation of portable classrooms is scheduled to occur during summer 2010 to clear the site for this project. The portable relocation project was advertised for bid on January 29, 2010 and bids are due March 24, 2010. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: Design Development • Planned Completion for Current Phase: April 13, 2010 D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $34,220,000 Supplies $50,000 Other $0 Contracts & Services $6,067,996 Total $34,220,000 Construction & Equipment $27,876,384 Soft Costs Contingency $225,620 Total $34,220,000 • Percent of Budget Expended 1.2% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 4.1 - 4.3 F. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • Project is currently proceeding on schedule and within budget. Page | 13 Palo Alto High School Theater and Associated Site Improvements A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Aimée Lopez, O’Connor Construction Management, Inc. Architect/Engineer: Deems Lewis McKinley B. PROJECT STATUS Program meetings have been held with the performing arts department leaders to confirm their programming needs prior to studying an approach for the theater footprint and layout. A space diagram and program plan will be updated to present to the FSC in March for review and approval in April. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: Planning • Planned Completion for Current Phase: June 22, 2010 D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $17,720,000 Supplies $50,000 Other $0 Contracts & Services $3,276,077 Total $17,720,000 Construction & Equipment $14,284,700 Soft Costs Contingency $109,223 Total $17,720,000 • Percent of Budget Expended 0.03% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 4.11 F. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • Programming in progress. Page | 14 Jordan Middle School A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Lori Alvarez, O’Connor Construction Management, Inc. Architect/Engineer: AEDIS Architecture and Planners B. PROJECT STATUS AEDIS met with the auditorium group to discuss scope revisions and to finalize the layout. AEDIS will prepare schematic design plans for a community meeting and the final bond advisory committee meeting before presenting the schematic design to the Board of Education in late March 2010. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: Schematic Design • Planned Completion for Current Phase: April 6, 2010 D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $17,943,191 Supplies $0 Other $0 Contracts & Services $3,432,480 Total $ 17,943,191 Construction & Equipment $14,014,500 Soft Costs Contingency $496,214 Total $17,943,194 • Percent of Budget Expended 1.1% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 2.1 – 2.3, 2.6 – 2.8, 2.10 – 2.12, 6.3 – 6.5. F. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • Schematic design was delayed one month to address alternatives for the Cafetorium and the associated scope adjustments to remain within budget. Board approval planned for April, 2010. Page | 15 J.L. Stanford Middle School A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Lori Alvarez, O’Connor Construction Management, Inc. Architect/Engineer: AEDIS Architecture and Planners B. PROJECT STATUS AEDIS updated plans after the departmental meetings with science and physical education and refined the new classroom building design in preparation to present to the advisory committee. AEDIS will meet with the bond advisory group to further discuss the modernization work in existing classrooms and support rooms, exterior landscaping, and to review the design progress on the new classroom building in March 2010. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase Schematic Design • Planned Completion for Current Phase: May 11, 2010 D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $17,184,697 Supplies $0 Other $0 Contracts & Services $3,281,600 Total $ 17,184,697 Construction & Equipment $13,406,000 Soft Costs Contingency $497,099 Total $17,184,699 • Percent of Budget Expended 0.8% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 2.1 – 2.3, 2.5 – 2.8, 2.11 – 2.12, 6.4, 6.5 F. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • Schematic design was delayed two months so AEDIS’s designs for the new building can be shared with community groups and also be coordinated with improvements at Fairmeadow. Board approval is planned for May, 2010. Page | 16 Terman Middle School A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Lori Alvarez, O’Connor Construction Management, Inc. Architect/Engineer: AEDIS Architecture and Planners B. PROJECT STATUS AEDIS continued design refinement of the administration and library building, drama classroom, computer classroom renovation and other campus-wide priorities. AEDIS will continue discussions and present updated plans to staff and faculty in early March 2010. Schematic design is anticipated to be complete in May 2010. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: Schematic Design • Planned Completion for Current Phase: May 11, 2010 D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $12,850,071 Supplies $0 Other $0 Contracts & Services $2,411,150 Total $ 12,850,071 Construction & Equipment $10,096,569 Soft Costs Contingency $342,352 Total $12,850,071 • Percent of Budget Expended 1.1% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 2.1 – 2.8, 2.11 – 2.12 E. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • Schematic design was delayed a month to address existing site conditions and the new library expansion. Board approval planned for May, 2010. Page | 17 Fairmeadow Elementary School A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Lori Alvarez, O’Connor Construction Management, Inc. Architect/Engineer: AEDIS Architects and Planners B. PROJECT STATUS Gelfand Partners continued pre-design efforts with a presentation to the PTA, a site committee meeting and a progress update to the Board of Education. Gelfand will solicit feedback from the community on March 1, 2010 on the conceptual plan and discuss the recommended design with the Board of Education on March 23, 2010. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: Planning • Planned Completion for Current Phase: April 6, 2010 D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $27,500 Supplies $0 Other $0 Contracts & Services $25,000 Total $27,500 Construction & Equipment $0 Soft Costs Contingency $2,500 Total $27,500 • Percent of Budget Expended 0.0% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 1.1 – 1.2, 1.4 – 1.10 F. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • Programming nearing completion. Board approval planned in April. Page | 18 Ohlone Elementary School New Classroom Building and Modernization A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Arnold Teten, Gilbane Building Company Architect/Engineer: Gelfand Partners B. PROJECT STATUS DSA continues its review of the Ohlone new classroom building and modernization project, which should be completed by August 2010. Design efforts are complete for the two additional modular classrooms and relocation of two day care classrooms. The modular classrooms will bid on March 2, and be presented to the board for award March 9. Relocations of the portables are scheduled for this summer and will make way for the construction of the two story building scheduled to begin late fall. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: DSA Review • Planned Completion for Current Phase: August 31, 2010 D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $11,667,965 Supplies $0 Other $0 Contracts & Services $2,220,274 Total $11,667,965 Construction & Equipment $9,181,991 Soft Costs Contingency $265,700 Total $11,667,965 • Percent of Budget Expended 7.2% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 1.1 – 1.2, 1.4 – 1.10 F. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • Gelfand submitted 95% construction documents to DSA on November 24, 2009. Page | 19 Gunn High School Industrial Arts Addition and Renovation A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Alex Morrison, Gilbane Building Company Architect/Engineer: VBN Architects General Contractor: Svala Construction B. PROJECT STATUS Of the $5,576,500 project budget, 84.6% or $4,720,037 was expended. Approved change orders were $208,756, which is approximately 59.8% of the $349,000 construction contingency. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: Project Closeout • Notice To Proceed: January 5, 2009 • Contract Completion Date: Nov. 25, 2009 • Beneficial Occupancy: January 4, 2010 • Original Contract Days: 324 Days • Total Days Elapsed: 359 Days • Total Days Remaining: (35) Days • Rain Days: 0 Days D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds 0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $5,576,500 Supplies $10,358 Other $0 Contracts & Services $1,264,216 Total $5,576,500 Construction & Equipment $4,249,000 Soft Costs Contingency $52,926 Total $5,576,500 • Percent of Budget Expended 84.6% E. CHANGE ORDER CONTINGENCY • Starting Contingency Balance $349,000 • Remaining Contingency Balance $140,244 • Percent Of Changes 59.8% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) F. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 3.1, 3.7, 3.11 G. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • The building occupied as scheduled, and the project completed within budget. Page | 20 Gunn High School Aquatic Center A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Alex Morrison, Gilbane Building Company Architect/Engineer: Spencer & Associates General Contractor: Beals Martin Construction B. CONSTRUCTION Of the $5,013,750 project budget, 96.6%, or $4,844,070 was expended. Approved change orders were $194,739, which is approximately 49.9% of the $389,887 construction contingency. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: Project Closeout • Notice To Proceed: June 20, 2008 • Contract Completion Date: April 18, 2009 • Beneficial Occupancy: June 15, 2009 • Original Contract Days: 300 Days • Total Days Elapsed: 475 Days • Total Days Remaining: (175) Days • Rain Days: 20 Days D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $5,013,750 Supplies $7,684 Other $0 Contracts & Services $651,592 Total $5,013,750 Construction & Equipment $4,350,513 Soft Costs Contingency $3,961 Total $5,013,750 • Percent of Budget Expended 96.8% E. CHANGE ORDER CONTINGENCY • Starting Contingency Balance $ 389,887 • Remaining Contingency Balance $195,148 • Percent Of Changes 49.9% (Change Orders + Construction Change Directives vs. Original Contract) F. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 3.12 G. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • This project completed within budget. Page | 21 Garland Elementary School Campus Modernization A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Lori Alvarez, O’Connor Construction Management, Inc. Architect/Engineer: AEDIS Architects and Planners B. PROJECT STATUS The Board of Education voted on August 25, 2009 to approve the amendment to Garland lease to Stratford School. Therefore, the district has placed the project on hold. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: On hold • Planned Completion for Current Phase: N/A D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $22,178,544 Supplies $0 Other $0 Contracts & Services $3,830,789 Total $22,178,544 Construction & Equipment $17,485,000 Soft Costs Contingency $862,755 Total $22,178,544 • Percent of Budget Expended 1.3% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 1.1, 1.4 – 1.10 F. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • This project has been put on hold. Page | 22 Elementary School Teaching Walls Phase 1 Schools A. PROJECT TEAM Project Manager: Alex Morrison, Gilbane Building Company Architect/Engineer: Gelfand Partners B. PROJECT STATUS The district has placed this project on hold pending further review of the implementation of other classroom improvements. C. CONTRACT TIME • Current Phase: On hold • Planned Completion for Current Phase: N/A D. BUDGET/FUNDING • Funding Budget State Funds $0 Salaries and Benefits $0 Bond Funds $7,044,987 Supplies $0 Other $0 Contracts & Services $1,341,394 Total $7,044,987 Construction & Equipment $5,498,498 Soft Costs Contingency $205,095 Total $7,044,987 • Percent of Budget Expended 1.6% E. BOND PROJECT LIST REFERENCE: 1.9 F. PROJECT OVERVIEW: • Design has been suspended until further consideration is discussed among elementary school principals. OHS WEST:260388860.1 A-1 EXHIBIT A PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND PROJECT LIST [Note: The order in which projects are listed is not an indication of priority for funding or completion. Not all listed projects will be completed at every site.] 1. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PROJECTS Addison Barron Park Briones Duveneck El Carmelo Escondido Fairmeadow Garland Greendell Hays Hoover Nixon Ohlone Palo Verde 1. Construct new permanent classrooms and classroom buildings to accommodate enrollment growth and expanded programs. 2. Replace temporary classrooms with permanent classrooms. 3. Acquire and install modular classrooms, as needed. 4. Expand libraries to accommodate enrollment growth. 5. Improve or provide new security systems, including alarms, lighting, locks, monitoring systems, fencing, etc. 6. Upgrade climate control systems, including passive technologies to conserve energy, such as shade canopies, energy-efficient windows, window coverings and shade control; install/replace heating, ventilation and air conditioning. 7. Install/improve local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN) infrastructure to accommodate technology upgrades; install/upgrade communications systems. 8. Building exterior and building shell renovation, including seismic structural upgrades and Americans with Disability Act (ADA) improvements to bring all buildings to current code; roofs; repainting and/or resurfacing. 9. Classroom and other school facilities modernization and building interior improvements, including infrastructure and major building system upgrades. 10. Modernization/replacement of administration/multipurpose/library space. Numbers Added A-2 OHS WEST:260388860.1 2. MIDDLE SCHOOL PROJECTS David Starr Jordan Jane Lathrop Stanford Terman 1. Construct new permanent classrooms and classroom buildings to accommodate enrollment growth and expanded programs. 2. Classroom and other school facilities modernization and building interior improvements, including infrastructure and major building system upgrades. 3. Construct extra school-wide storage space. 4. Expand classrooms and classroom wings, library and administration spaces. 5. Improve or provide new security systems, including alarms, lighting, locks, monitoring systems, fencing, etc. 6. Upgrade climate control systems, including passive technologies to conserve energy, such as shade canopies, energy-efficient windows, window coverings and shade control; install/replace heating, ventilation and air conditioning. 7. Install/improve local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN) infrastructure to accommodate technology upgrades; install/upgrade communications systems. 8. Renovate gymnasium, including new gym floors, doors, windows, bleachers and athletic equipment; upgrade building infrastructure, including power and water distribution. 9. Renovate swimming pool and pool deck; new filtration system; new storage and restrooms; upgrade pool equipment. 10. Replace and/or improve play fields, including drainage and irrigation, install water meters; replace landscaping; re-surface and re-stripe hardcourts and replace outdoor athletic equipment. 11. Repair/Replace and/or improve concrete walkways and asphalt; canopies; parking lot and driveways. 12. Building exterior and building shell renovation, including seismic structural upgrades and Americans with Disability Act (ADA) improvements to bring all buildings to current code; roofs; repainting and/or resurfacing. A-3 OHS WEST:260388860.1 3. GUNN HIGH SCHOOL PROJECTS 1. Construct new permanent classrooms and classroom buildings to accommodate enrollment growth and expanded programs. 2. Demolish old library building. 3. Replace temporary classrooms with permanent classrooms. 4. Construct additional restrooms. 5. Construct second gymnasium. 6. Construct new soccer field. 7. Upgrade climate control systems, including passive technologies to conserve energy, such as shade canopies, energy-efficient windows, window coverings and shade control; install/replace heating, ventilation and air conditioning. 8. Install/improve local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN) infrastructure to accommodate technology upgrades; install/upgrade communications systems. 9. Building exterior and building shell renovation, including seismic structural upgrades and Americans with Disability Act (ADA) improvements to bring all buildings to current code; roofs; repainting and/or resurfacing. 10. Improve or provide new security systems, including alarms, lighting, locks, monitoring systems, fencing, etc. 11. Classroom and other school facilities modernization and building interior improvements, including infrastructure and major building system upgrades. 12. Replace swimming pool with new 35-meter pool, pool equipment and support structures, pool decking, bleachers, storage, restrooms, showers, associated equipment. 13. Renovate gymnasium; interior renovation including gymnasium floors and bleachers; replace athletic equipment. 14. Modernize football stadium, including new bathrooms and concession stands. A-4 OHS WEST:260388860.1 4. PALO ALTO HIGH SCHOOL PROJECTS 1. Construct new permanent classrooms and classroom buildings to accommodate enrollment growth and expanded programs. 2. Replace temporary classrooms with permanent classrooms. 3. Construct additional restrooms. 4. Upgrade climate control systems, including passive technologies to conserve energy, such as shade canopies, energy-efficient windows, window coverings and shade control; install/replace heating, ventilation and air conditioning. 5. Install/improve local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN) infrastructure to accommodate technology upgrades; install/upgrade communications systems. 6. Building exterior and building shell renovation, including seismic structural upgrades and Americans with Disability Act (ADA) improvements to bring all buildings to current code; roofs; repainting and/or resurfacing. 7. Classroom and other school facilities modernization and building interior improvements, including infrastructure and major building system upgrades. 8. Library modernization and building interior improvements, including infrastructure and major building system upgrades. 9. Renovation or replacement of the Tower Building to accommodate administration, classroom and program support space. 10. Renovate Main Gymnasium and second gymnasium, including seismic upgrades; accessibility improvements; construction of new restrooms; install new roofing; replace doors and windows; replace gymnasium floors and athletic equipment, bleachers and renovation of interior. Renovation or replacement of weight training facility. 11. Construct new theater building. 12. Renovate and improve soccer field, including new retaining wall and bleachers; new fencing and storage. 13. Modernize football stadium, including replace bleachers; new bathrooms and concession stands. 14. Replace and/or improve play fields, including drainage and irrigation, install water meters; replace landscaping; re-surface and re-stripe hardcourts and replace outdoor athletic equipment. A-5 OHS WEST:260388860.1 5. OTHER DISTRICT-WIDE PROJECTS Furnishing and equipping of existing and newly constructed, modernized or rehabilitated classrooms and facilities on an ongoing basis, including to replace worn, broken, or out-of-date furniture and equipment for all classrooms, athletic facilities and other facilities, as needed. 1. Replace existing or acquire new computers, technology and related equipment on an ongoing basis. 2. Establish a planned maintenance fund to address maintenance work expected to be needed to all District facilities on an ongoing basis (other than as may be necessary for current maintenance, operation or repairs), in order to implement the District’s comprehensive facilities maintenance plan. 3. Acquisition of any of the facilities on the Bond Project List through temporary lease or lease- purchase arrangements, or execute purchase option under a lease for any of these authorized facilities. 4. If and as opportunities become available, and to the extent the Board of Education determines that bond funds are available for the purpose, acquisition of land and other interests in real property for future school buildings and other District facilities, and construction of such facilities, and rehabilitation/renovation of District-owned buildings and sites not otherwise listed. 5. Repair, upgrade, modify, expand, refinish, replace and construct site improvements, including off-street parking areas, pickup/dropoff, signage, paths, sidewalks and walkways, canopies, hard courts (student play areas), athletic play fields, landscaping, irrigation, permanent athletic field equipment and facilities (including nets, basketball standards, goals and goalposts, backstops), field lighting, etc. 6. ADDITIONAL NECESSARY AND INCIDENTAL PROJECTS 1. Remove, dispose of, and otherwise remediate hazardous materials, including asbestos, lead, etc., where necessary. 2. Address unforeseen conditions revealed by construction/modernization (including plumbing or gas line breaks, dry rot, seismic, structural, etc.). 3. Other improvements required to comply with existing building codes, including the Field Act, and access requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 4. Site preparation/restoration in connection with new construction, renovation or remodeling, or installation or removal of relocatable classrooms, including ingress and egress, demolition of existing structures, removing, replacing, or installing irrigation and drainage, utility lines (such as gas lines, water lines, electrical lines, sewer lines, and communication lines), trees and landscaping, relocating fire access roads, traffic lights and mitigation, and acquiring any necessary easements, licenses, or rights of way to the property. 5. Rental or construction of storage facilities and other space on an interim basis, as needed to accommodate construction materials, equipment, and personnel, and interim classrooms (including relocatables) for students and school functions or other storage for classroom materials displaced during construction. A-6 OHS WEST:260388860.1 7. RENOVATION/MODERNIZATION (DEFINED) For purposes of the Bond Project List, renovation and modernization projects are intended to restore the building systems and infrastructure, weather protections, finishes, and technology, or reallocate and reorganize space, to a condition that will provide a sustainable, functional educational and administrative environment for future years, comparable to new construction. Renovation projects may include, but are not limited to nor necessarily encompass, all of the following, depending upon the age, condition and needs of each particular school facility: 1. upgrade electrical, communication, fire alarm, and similar building systems as well as main power service and distribution, which may include active and passive solar power and heating system acquisition, installation and construction 2. Replace, repair or upgrade plumbing, piping and drainage systems, including water supply, meters, water heating, and wastewater systems, plumbing fixtures and sinks, etc., within buildings and sites and to connect with city supply and drainage systems 3. Replace or modify aging heating, ventilation and air cooling systems with energy-efficient heating and air cooling systems (HVAC), including installing energy management systems (EMS); 4. Replace, modify, upgrade interior lighting and exterior safety/security lighting systems and fixtures, as necessary; 5. Repair, modify and construct structural elements of the existing structure as necessary; 6. Replace or repair aging roofs with similar materials or District standard materials; 7. Replace, repair, install and construct, as necessary, interior walls, floor and ceiling finishes, doors, door locks, windows, cabinets and casework, and equipment attached to wall surfaces (including white boards, marker boards, tack boards, television mounts, scoreboards, fire extinguishers, kitchen cabinets/equipment, etc.); 8. Upgrade, modify and construct restroom facilities; 9. Comply, as necessary, with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title 24 requirements; 10. Refinish the exterior finishes of the school (including stucco, wood and metal trims, wood siding, paint, etc.); replace doors and windows 11. Modify, expand, separate, convert and construct school support areas; staff work and lunch areas; and educational areas to provide adequate, functional environments; 12. Modify, replace and construct functional components of altered or replaced building components (including rainwater leaders, fascias, mansards, etc.); ™ For any project involving renovation, modernization, remodeling or rehabilitation of a building or the major portion of a building, the District may proceed with new replacement construction instead (including any necessary demolition), if the Board of Education determines that replacement and new construction is more practical than rehabilitation and renovation, considering the building’s age, condition, expected remaining life, comparative cost, and other relevant factors.